Rings at babtisem?

by seedy3 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seedy3

    I was speaking with a friend of mine (Ex-JW) and his brother was just babtised in the last few years. Wht he told was sort of strange. When he was babtised his brother was given a wedding ring type band at his babtisem, then I came to find out that another person I know had been also given one when she got dunked. Is this a common practise now days or something?? I was shoved under the surface of the cleansing water of imersion back in the late 60''s and I never heard of such a thing, has anyone else hard of this?


  • Dutchie

    A ring? For being baptized? Never heard of such a thing.

  • Gopher

    My scenario: the rings (for the new "brothers", at least) are from man-hungry female JW's.

    Those "sisters" cannot wait to descend on the newly-baptized brothers!! (You get baptized, let's get engaged!!) The "pool" of eligible brothers must be running dry.

    Gopher of the taking-a-wild-guess class

    Edited by - Gopher on 17 November 2002 18:55:40

  • Matty

    I got a ring when I was baptised! It does happen!

    I made sure that it went on the correct finger though, don't want those sista's finking I'm spoken for!

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