Bowling for Colombine

by scotsman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotsman

    Anyone else been to see this yet? Raised some good questions but kind of got lost because of the evidence Moore uncovers along the way, but it was nice to see Marylin Manson appearing as a paragon of virtue when compared to Charlton Heston.

    WT content? Has the same tacky infomercial style that WT videos tend towards with tacky muzak over corny acting.

    Sad thing is that its target audience will probably never see it.

  • ignored_one

    I saw it last Friday. Very funny and thought provoking. The audience clapped at the end.

    Now I want to see Roger and Me, Michael Moores first film.

    Ignored One.

  • scotsman

    The audience I was part of spent the first 20 minutes laughing at the homespun redneck logic but that was brought to a halt by the scenes of people being shot.

    What did make me laugh was the South Park animation of US history.

  • Aztec

    Ignored One,

    I would recommend Roger & Me to everyone! It's an excellent film. Unfortunatly I lived in Flint, where most of the film is shot, for 12 years. When that film came out ALOT of people around there were pissed! I thought it was funny! I would also recommend his books "Downsize This" and "Stupid White Men".


  • ignored_one


    Exactly the same here. All went deathly quiet when that happened.


    Ah I've been meaning to get Stupid White Men. Seen posters around for it over town.

    Ignored One.

    Edited because I can't spell.

    Edited by - ignored_one on 17 November 2002 12:57:39

  • scotsman

    What struck me was that halfway through making the film Moore stumbled across the fact that gun ownership wasn't an explanation for the high number of US shootings because of the example of Canada, yet he still pursued the NRA. What was the point when the right to bear arms doesn't necessarily result in homicide?

  • CoolBreeze

    I thought it was an excellent movie. I drove 4 1/4 hours with some friends to the nearest theater that was playing it. I am a proud member of the NRA, but I felt like crawling under my seat whenever Charlton Heston appeared on the screen. I guess there was a lesoon to be learned, just because you believe in an organization doesn't mean you have to like the spokesman.


  • Beans

    What a very interesting movie, I am surprised that more of the American Apostates did not reply to this thread. The portrayal and questions Mike Moore raised were very interesting. If you get a chance go and rent this documentary.

    The examples given about media coverage of crime as it was on the downturn seems so true, cause thats what Joe public wants to watch is anything with blood and guts. His facts on what the American Government has done in the past shocked me and puts into perspective and the fear embedded into the general public about being attacked seems to be a reality.


  • drwtsn32

    I think this movie was recently released on DVD (or at least I just noticed it was on DVD)... I can't wait to see it. I heard it was very good.

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