Should jws eat caraway seeds/maize/sw'tcorn?

by badboy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    Caraway seeds R assoiceted with`soul cakes' produced at Halloween

    Maize/sweetcorn is assoiceted with XILONEN,AZTEC goddess

    In view of the pagan connections, should JWS eat any of above products?

  • Francois

    What's to discuss? Of course they shouldn't.

    And since so many of the pagan religions used the sex act to worship the debbil, JWs should cease engaging in the sex act.

    Dontcha think?

  • badboy

    Should jws breath air because there R pagan connections there as well?

  • minimus

    oh, that's the point of those questions...I see.

  • GeddyLee

    They sure as heck better not be caught watching any Olympic coverage either. I just returned from visiting the site of the first Olympiad, in ancient Olympia Greece. The original of these athletic events was for the purpose of apeasing Zeus. There is still the remains of the temple to Zeus, right next to the running track.

  • badboy

    The point is 99.9% of things have a pagan connection there4 should jws B looking 4 pagan connection,take harvest festival(started by a country parson 2 avoid drunken festivilies around that time of year(he copied from a medieval end of season festival)its connected with paganism is so tentious(I didn't know there was a pagan connection of sorts until i read their magazines(s))that Y do their permit marriage customs(Confetti etc)which R more obviousl of pagan origin?

  • minimus

    badboy, I see your point. I guess you will be able to make a post for years to come on the same subject of everything having a pagan connection.

  • JH

    They can eat whatever they want, as long as I don't pay for it!


    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!

    Seeing as my last name is CARRAWAY.


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