a phone call /event of sorts

by stephenw20 1 Replies latest social current

  • stephenw20

    if you can believe this,

    I called our Brooklyn tower of power....what a group

    I asked them about the name change....it seems he
    doesnt know what I am even talking about...just said
    it was new corporation mumbo jumbo...

    this after a long putting me on hold......

    so then I asked the question.............about the
    charitable annuity program

    the guy said .what... I said you have a charitable
    annuity program..I want to know about it.......

    he says well I ll have to connect you with the
    treasury dept, so I go over there...now mind you all
    along I am being quite meek and mild...... so the
    treasury guy again almost has no idea and he says of
    the charitable thing..yes yes we have a separate
    department for that.....

    so I get to the dept.........I ask about it..of course
    the question comes.... WHO ARE YOU...isaid I am(get
    this) an "interested party".......

    so he said after some silences .yes we have one.... I
    said how long has it existed ..he say I dont

    I sad well what's it for........ he asks do I know
    what an annuity is... i said yes.......

    he said well it is a TOOL (his favorite word) , not
    investment, a tool to donate a lump sum at one time
    irrevocably and then draw it out at a later
    so then I said well who is it open to...he says
    EVERYONE......I asked how does one find out about this
    .....he said you have to ASK......we dont and I love
    this part "ADVERTISE" (JOe Rutherford just rolled

    .so by now I am getting a bit more STERN and I said let
    me get this straight....you haven an investment that
    your members dont even know about , you dont
    advertise it .—˜—•..how do they KNOW IT EXISTS!
    he said they just have to ask!.....

    I said you have 6 million members, print a magazine
    once a week and you cant put ti in there...
    well ...NO we cant.

    I said how bout the inner working documents, the
    kingdom ministry have you put it in there..he said no
    we dont........

    I said ya know I am abit upset by all this , My mother
    has been donating money to your firm for over 30
    years...and she knows nothing about this, do you think
    it is right...he said
    well we print it ONCE A YEAR>>>>>> in a watchtower
    under planning options .(Nov 1,200o pge31) THe witnesses can ask for a
    brochure that outline all the options........

    they can donate a sum , and draw on it till they die
    and when they do...the organization GETS THE REST!

    there you go...mother org keeps the money!!!!!!

    I am getting a brochure sent to me

  • Prisca

    v-e-r-y interesting....

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