Obedience to Elders WT 10-1-2002

by jgnat 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    A Secretary Saved by Obedience

    10-12 ...Do you occasionally feel a tinge of envy toward the well-to-do and their indulgent life-styles? ...You keep seeking great things for yourself. Do not keep on seeking. For here I am bringing in a calamity on all flesh....Jehovah is deeply concerned about those who are tempted to pursue what they think are greener pastures in this system of things... there is no future for those who seek great things for themselves in this system...such ones...will soon pass away with this world and all its selfish desires.


    Baruch humbly took counsel from a concerned elder, and readjusted his thinking.

    Elder Nosy Dan : I notice, Brother Busy, that you have not been able to keep up on your spiritual responsibilities of late.
    Brother Busy: Thank you, END, for your concern. Indeed, I have been a little tired lately. I have taken a second job to help pay the bills...
    END: Tsk Tsk. I see you have a new SUV.
    BB: Thank you for noticing. She really is a beaut, dont you think? I got a great deal. The diesel is a little extra, but it will come in handy pulling the trailer.
    END: *choke* TRAILER?
    BB: Yeah, my worldly folks have offered us their old one. I can hardly wait for next summer.
    END: May I direct you to a most timely and instructive article on this very topic, on page 14 of the October 1 Watchtower.
    BB: You mean there is an article about RVing? Cool!
    END: Not quite. As you can see, I have been called to fulfill necessary and difficult aspects of the shepherding work. I have observed your shift in attitude, BB, to a worldly way of thinking.
    BB: Worldly! Say it is not so!
    END: Too true, too true. After much prayer I have discerned you are pursuing the greener pastures of this system of things. Jehovah is deeply concerned about this, as am I.
    BB: Tell me what I must do! I do not want to die!
    END: There is only one thing to do. You must expel these wicked things out of your life, and readjust your thinking.
    BB: Yes, yes! I see it now! Here are the keys! Here are the keys!
    END: There is only one thing left to do, brother.
    BB: *weeping* Anything, dear Elder.
    END: I want you to bend over...

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