The Bold face LIE

by dugout 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • dugout

    Hey yall, This may have been touched on before, but I here a lot about the lies WT has told on this website. So what are some of the Bold outright lies the Borg has told, past and present and can you prove it. For example, At this District assembly they released a video that showed (the trailer) if you married an unbeliever your marriage is not going to work. THAT is simply not true, a BOLD FACE LIE. People were clammering to get this video. I told my wife I did not want one. (she scoffed at me) I can name at least three couples that married out the (truth?) and are doing well. Futher How does that make a husband or wife who has an unbelieving mate already feel? I think that is a bold face lie.

    yall holla please

  • PaintedToeNail

    I agree. I know several couples in the same situation. The man is 'worldly' and the wife a believer. The husbands treat their wives very, very well. One of the husbands is in tech industry and as a couple they fly out west to an amazing spa for relaxation periodically. He accompanies her to the meetings on occasion. The biggest problem is the wives feeling guilty because the married 'out of the truth'.

  • oppostate

    I just went to the funeral, not too long ago, of a man 89 years old, married for longer than I've been alive, he never got baptized nor did he ever study with JW's. He was a navy veteran who liked to talk of his war days, and he had quite a few stories to tell, and the knack to keep you on the verge of your seat listening to him.

    His wife was a baptized 20 year old who married him when marrying an unbeliever wasn't such a sin by JW standards. She's now elderly, her elder son still lives at his parent's home with his wife because he's too busy to hold down a real job. So his wife reg pioneers and he only works part-time.

    The father was one of the nicest most tolerant men I've ever met. He was for equal rights even in the 50's, giving african-americans good paying jobs in the factory where he rose up through the ladder to become a manager. When he had his funeral/memorial, (the talk given by a local elder who never even visited the guy's house), the crowd was standing room only and they were spilling over outside the KH.

    To me this man represents the kind of non-believing, yet wonderful human being who stood for what he believed to be moral and good, and who devoted his life to provide for his family and help out those who needed help. I'm glad to have known him for the better part of three decades, and in that time not one JW, not one elder, pioneer or overseer I've ever met could half measure up to him.

    Being appointed by the WT, being baptized to the devotion of the JW Organization's, means diddly squat. Anthony Morris the Turd would really have learned what a "real man" is from this un-believing mate!

  • 2+2=5

    Well, the bible is nonsense, so by extension everything they say is worthless tripe.

    Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 is a nice introduction to their bullshit. They laid that as the foundation and built upon it with lie after lie.

  • naazira

    Bold face lies:

    • Disfellowshipping is a loving arrangement.
    • Proof ( People commit suicide as a result of shunning, families are destroyed)
      • You can live forever.
      • Proof (Check the cemetery)
      • The organization never begs for money.
      • Proof ( listen to local needs talk, watch videos on jw TV)
      • Jehovah's people are the happiest people on earth.
      • Proof ( many are on antidepressants and anxiety medications, watchtower and Awake magazines addressing Anxiety &Depression)
  • snare&racket

    Only three couples? How about all the millions of non jW couples that do just fine! What about all the families and marriages that were just fine for thousands of years before the JW's even existed?

    the JW's have a higher divorce rate than the average couple. Now that is a fact!

    JW's had a rate near 14% and the population was 12%

  • Sabin
    I say if you love the person then marry them. I have herd comments made that worldly men will have affairs cause they got no standards. Its all to do with control, if they got you both following and one steps out of line the other will report on them. then its infront of the elders you go. I know one husband who wouldn't get involved cayse he was so disgusted by the way JW men treated their wives. Dominating them like they were beneath them. I AM THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE. They are even telling marriage mates what to do in the bedroom. Go figure.
  • snugglebunny
    I thought the expression was "bald face" lie. Just sayin', seeing as how I'm in the grammar police..
  • dugout

    naazirra-Jw's are the happiest people in the World. bold face lie indeed. I'M HAPPY NOW THAT I'M FADED

    hey bunny thanx- bald,bold, a lie is a lie. Besides I'm a musician, I improvise a lot, make up my own stuff. It ain't gotta be correct but if it sounds good I'm going with it. Thank u all for expressions. depend on yall

    Idugout peace

  • blondie

    Timothy's mother was a Jew who married a Gentile..........

    Esther married a Persian king, not a Jew

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