Never Fear The Dark

by Sentinel 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sentinel

    Something just crossed my mind. In general, people are afraid of things unknown. When all the lights go out, (and I mean literally, all the lights) there is panic.

    Yet, in life, isn't it those times "when all the light goes out", that we can gradually truly "see" all we need to see from the smallest flicker of light (of hope)? When I think back to my darkest times, when I felt abandoned, unloved and so very alone, what a terrible time that was for me. And yet, out of those times, I was forced to take stock of the darkness of my life, my soul, and figure out how to rise up out of that place, into the light and find my way. The first step was to pay attention to the smallest flicker of light.

    I believe that once we face the dark things in our life, we will be free to find true spirituallity within ourselves, our souls. It is then, that the light begins to grow brighter and brighter. There are times, when we have to face that darkness again, but each time we do, it is easier to find the first flicker of hope we need to get us out into the light. We aren't in such a panic, because we have learned not to fear the dark.

    What do you think? Are you afraid of the emotional darkness? How did you get out of it? What was your "flicker" of light?

  • DannyBear


    What you have just described is one of 'lifes lessons' that we learn over each passing year.

    If one can get past the exodus from jw/cult mentality, with all it's itinerate emotional bagage, you can survive most anything.

    The veritable peaks and valley's of emotional upset, enough to discourage the stoutest of hearts. Even after many year's of freedom, the lingering effects can put us on a downer. But each one we fight off, makes us stronger.

    'New Light' we need none, only the light that shines from exercising our own free will and thinking ability.


  • Sentinel


    I appreciated your reply here. We think along the same lines. The so called "truth" kept us in spiritual darkness, and now we are free to respond to that flicker of light that leads us out of bondage.

    As strong as I feel sometimes, I can get pretty down. The good thing about it now, is that I can actually "see" a way out of the depression. Whereas, before, I was drowning myself emotionally, and felt helpless and hopeless.

    Every day I am so very grateful for finding my way out and living life free. What a great feeling!

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