Some truth for all...

by Gig 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gig

    I've attended enough meetings to know that the JW's consistently are building themselves up instead of their beloved Jehovah. Talk about idols of the heart, but sadly, they can't see it.

    The truth is they use the Bible to try to support their teachings, when everyone in their right mind uses their teachings to support the Bible.


  • metatron

    I'd say that you are too profound to ever be a good Witness.

    Lose some neurons and you can try again


  • kelpie

    I agree with you Gig..

    It can become a place of self importance..

    "look at me, I am a pioneer, Look at me I did 130 hours this month in field service"

    It makes other people feel insuperior to them.

    I certainly dont miss that side of things


  • DanTheMan

    I'm glad that you are smart enough that you caught on early.

    Took me years to realize that the central doctrine of JW's is that the old-timers in Brooklyn are God's mouthpiece, so you'd better submit to their authority!

  • terabletera

    "look at me, I am a pioneer, Look at me I did 130 hours this month in field service"

    people actually DID 130 hours? Gawd I thought it was 90! sheeeeeeeeeeeit! Wow. Hello?

  • Gopher


    Actually it's 70 hours per month now for a regular pioneer, and 50 for those subterranean scum known as auxiliary pioneers.

    For regular publishers who are old enough, 15 minutes will do.

    Perhaps the "130" is a bit of an exaggeration, or maybe it's what some pioneers do EARLY in their pioneer year so they can take the summer off.

  • kelpie

    I was an exgeration

    but special pioneers had to get 120 hours a month

  • Brummie

    They even build themselves up in the kingdom melodies:

    As WE go from door to door to spread the kingdom news....lalala HOW IS THAT singing Worship to Jah?

    WE are jehovah's witnesses, We preach on lalalalla

    And countless other melodies that they raise their voices and sing about themselves in

    You hit the nail on the head, they build themselves up and not Jah


  • Roski

    I was a special pioneer and had to get 150 hours per month.

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