Depressed and alone

by nilfun 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • nilfun

    I have never been able to finish Night
    Is some message of hope to be found in its final pages?
    Close the book and remember

    An old woman pulling back her sleeve
    Me, a young girl, barely able to comprehend
    The pale skin marred by a crude tattoo

    Close eyes and remember
    As twenty years slide beneath...

    Now fast forward to an L.A. night
    Where young people gather to dance or just share a light

    Someone cracks a joke and the laughter that ripples through the huddle
    Is silenced by young men with slick scalps and red-laced boots
    The silvery flash- a blade of cold metal suddenly gone hot and bloody
    A man falls to the ground-confusion-screams

    The attacker grins as he runs his spider covered hand through non-existent hair.
    He knows faith without works is dead

    On pavement cold and hard
    The bleeding man draws his knees up to his chest
    A dark form curled up like a fetus on the glittering sidewalk
    His life streams into a waiting gutter
    And he can feel the separation of body from soul
    Relinquishing the flesh, his spirit rises
    Looking down upon the stillness, he feels nothing

  • radiolady

    Nilfun; That was deep...that's all I can say.

    Oh and you are an excellent should keep it up.


  • unclebruce

    impressive - thanks nilfun,

    i was touched by a poem a few weeks ago that went something like this:


    when i am dead my dearest

    sing no sad songs for me

    plant no roses at my head

    nor weeping willow tree

    i shall not see the sunsets

    i shall not feel the rain

    or wonder at the nightowl

    crying out as if in pain


    (poet and rest of poem not remembered:(


    Edited by - unclebruce on 5 November 2002 21:38:42

  • joannadandy

    Nilfun, I just want to take this opportunity to say "I dig you sista friend" hee hee!

    No seriously I have always liked your posts. I especially like this one. Good stuff! And I don't usually respond to poetry unless I really like it. Do you write a lot? If not, you should!

  • nilfun


    When I am dead, my dearest,
    Sing no sad songs for me;
    Plant thou no roses at my head,
    Nor shady cypress tree:
    Be the green grass above me
    With showers and dewdrops wet;
    And if thou wilt, remember,
    And if thou wilt, forget.

    I shall not see the shadows,
    I shall not feel the rain;
    I shall not hear the nightingale
    Sing on, as if in pain:
    And dreaming through the twilight
    That doth not rise nor set,
    Haply I may remember,
    And haply may forget.

    -Christina Rossetti

  • Claudia Kittel
    Claudia Kittel

    I think you wrote this poem out of the despair of hearing the JW theory about death; that they just are six feet under and they are waiting for some obsolete thing to happen, and then they will be resurrected and life will be better than it has ever been, but for now, the dead are just in this coffin that is buried into the ground, with no feeling, no thoughts, just dead. Is that how they have taught you? I remember they used to shove that stuff down our throats and tell us that if we didn't believe that way, that we were speaking against the brothers, and that is a disfellowshipping offense.

    God is not like their Jehovah. He is loving and kind even to the lost and the homeless; would you believe I was homeless and this was when I was a Jehovah's Witness? A regular Pioneer threw me out of her house, because I did not have thirty dollars. I lived in my car for three months, and then for aboaut five years in a travel trailer. When I did not have a car, nobody would even pick me up to go to the meeting or shopping or anything.

    I found out that God is going to take His Church up with Him to Heaven, and we don't even have to go through the Tribulation!

    Isn't that wonderful??


    Edited by - Claudia Kittel on 19 November 2002 22:58:52

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The attacker grins as he runs his spider covered hand through non-existent hair.

    Whoa. This is good. Very good. Have you been published? You should be. I'm always impressed by poetry. It's the most emotional form of writing there is, and you have expressed powerful statements here.

  • nilfun


    I think you wrote this poem out of the despair

    The Despair. Yes.


    (((((Big Tex)))))

    Right words. Right time.

    Thank you.

    edited to add:

    Right words. Right time.

    Thank you.

    That goes for you too, Radiolady, Unclebruce, and Joannadandy.

    Edited by - nilfun on 20 November 2002 0:30:26

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I understand. It's tough isn't it?

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