Do material things rule your life?

by haujobbz 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • haujobbz

    I think i have to say i am obsessed with material things,i love having the latest music,games,tv,etc

    Allthough there seems nothing wrong with this i do seem to worry about my belongings a lot, for instance i have dreams about people trying to steal my belongings,also i have fitted numerous locks on my doors to protect my belongings, its not that im a geek i have a kid a lovely wife but i think im to possesive over my material belongings.

    Its funny it sounds like a awake article question

    I think i will have a tomb built when i die to take it all with me.

  • blondie

    Well, if you put material things ahead of your family, it could be the first step down the road to a lonely life.

    Material things can be replaced much more easily than a loving relationship with your wife and children. Time lost with them cannot be regained.

    As far as the tomb, it's been done. The Pharoahs of Egypt tried it already. All their things are in museums now and they are still dead.

    Blondie (lesson 99)

  • shera

    Did you lack many things when you were in the JW's?Also you feel a lot was takin away from you?This could be a result of you not being able to have these things because you were "not allowed to have them",because the WTS said so.......mabey?

  • shera

    Good lesson tho....

  • RandomTask

    Things are cool, but they are just things. They don't equate happiness, but I agree they do help.

  • DakotaRed

    While I enjoy and treasure many of my material possessions, no, they do not run me. My first wife was aghast once when I said that I would chop up the Solid Oak Dining Room Set we had for firewood if we needed heat. Of course, it wouldn't be the first thing to go, but it would go, if necessary.

    I'm buying my house and try to care for it and the furnishings in it. I recently got my first DVDD player, a reasonably cheap one, $150. I have a couple antique toys left over from my childhood and even though I've been offered some pretty good money for them, I keep them to give to my grandsons when they get older and can appreciate what they have.

    In 1974, we came to Washington from Ft. Bragg N.C. for Christmas with the first wifes family. While gone, our house was burglarized and they took just about everything. Nothing was ever recovered. Stole all my tools I had before joining the Army, artifacts we brought back from Germany, a color console TV, all my stereo I got in Germany, all material possessions. Sometime during the next few weeks, as I was moping around worrying about what I had lost, it came to me that I still had what mattered most, my wife and daughters (of course, the wife and I didn't last). We were all healthy and no harm had come to any of us. The material didn't seem to matter all that much and I realized that we can lose our material possessons at any given moment. But, they can be replaced. Had it been one of my daughters I lost, or even the wife, at that time, I doubt I would have wanted to go on and who knows what could have happened.

    Since then, I have tried to keep things in perspective as to what matters most to me and treasure them more.

    Lew W

  • IronGland

    Material possesions are just more junk you have to pack when you move.

  • joannadandy

    I am going into teaching...I am broke now, and forever will be. 'nuff said.

  • redorc

    Ive often thought that I needed the latest electronic thingy or a beautifuly packaged spanner or something only to buy it and think, is that all there is.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    When I was married to a JW, he was psycotically tight-fisted. So along with the JW thing, there was plenty of reason for never going out for a meal or a drink, always buying second hand (or not at all), and various weird behaviours all in the pursuit of "saving money". The house was always freezing cold because he refused to put the heating on.

    So, when I broke free, getting to spend how much, when, and on what I wanted was wonderful, and I went completely over the top. I ended up badly in debt. I have sorted out my situation now. I still like to buy nice stuff, and when I have the money in the bank, I treat myself.

    I have come to the conclusion that the thrill of buying something nice is about the same, and lasts about the same time irregardless of how much you spend. So spending 1000 won't make you 10 times happier than spending 100, and the fun happy feeling won't last 10 times longer. So, you may as well enjoy small treats. And be happy you don't have to work 16 hours a day to be able to have enough to eat.

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