Are they trying to make me feel like crap?

by StarTrekAngel 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ding
    Unfortunately, if anyone nowadays asks JWs a question they can't answer, they just refer them to and move on.
  • Vidiot

    StarTrekAngel - "Are they trying to make me feel like crap?"

    Do you really need to ask? :confused:

  • Mary J Blige
    Mary J Blige

    How interesting that the CO recognises that depression and worldly pressures are contributing factors in the poor state of the congregations atm....

    It is obvious to ex JWs and faders that the path of least resistance is to cite depression or anxiety as a hassle free demotion mechanism. Who is really going to challenge you about that under the banner of love?

    Fascinating prospect: I wonder how many "spiritually weak" are actually "awake"? I wonder how many people in your circuit are pondering the same questions that you are at this time and you just don't know it? How many are "crippled with fictitious anxiety" and it is unnoticed by the blinded COs who brand it a sign of the times?

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