Are they trying to make me feel like crap?

by StarTrekAngel 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StarTrekAngel

    So I have not reported a single hour of FS or family worship in over 8 months. Have not given a single comment in a meeting for over a year. A few weeks ago, my brother in law, who is an MS now, approached me. He wanted help with a WT presentation. You know, those were you pretend to be the JW and the other person pretends to be the householder. I was supposed to play the part of the JW. Being as naive as my BIL is, I did not really felt like he was trying to make me feel bad and besides, he caught me off guard and in front of the family so I could not say no. That was until last week I was given an assignment for the ministry school. I am supposed to do it along with my wife and oldest daughter. I am supposed to pretend I have a family study going on. This was given to me by one of the most arrogant elders in the congregation.

    I was wondering if there is "new light" on how to compel inactive ones by means of making them look like effing hypocrites in front of their families.

  • cappytan
    And THIS is why I stepped down from the school recently.
  • OneEyedJoe

    No, they're not trying to make you feel bad, they're encouraging you! Don't you feel encouraged?!?

    I've known a number of brothers that in doing the school assignments they would assign talks about why x is bad to someone that they suspected were doing that but couldn't prove it (or if it wasn't a DFing offense, if they'd been counseled on it before but haven't changed) so I think there's a fair chance that this is all intentional. It may not even have been your BIL's idea to ask you...could've been from the person that assigned it to him.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Can you hear that? It's the wind of change!! (sorry, Monsters Inc.)

    It's time for you to quit the Ministry School - for personal reasons!

  • StarTrekAngel
    Yes, I've been thinking about it. I was not moving on it because I am making some progress with my wife and I did not want to ruin it.
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The day of the talk, call the TMS overseer and tell him you came down with something and can't give the talk. Or just don't show up and they'll get a sub. When confronted, say you thought it was the next week and you were under the weather that night.

  • JustVisting

    StarTrekAngel: they say the TMS is a school one never graduates from. I say just drop out from the whole thing when you feel the timing is right.

  • JW_Rogue
    This is a total guilt trip move and actually goes against the TMS instructions! That part is supposed to be given to mature brother, Elder or MS. An inactive person doesn't fit the description for that particular talk. Your BIL probably put the school overseer up to this, now you're supposed to feel guilty because you're not being a good spiritual head.
  • sparrowdown

    "Appearing like an effing hypocrite in front of your family"

    Don't worry the rest of the congregation will view it that way as well.

    Gee thanks BIL,

  • hoser

    Shame, shame, shame they're playing the shame game. They will try to make you feel like a piece of shit in the hopes that you will conform.

    Mrs hoser and I have a problem with materialism Or so that's what I hear through the grapevine. Not one of the coward elders ever said anything direct to us about it but I did sit and listen to a public talk directed at us although he didn't mention names he described our business to a t.

    Then I was assigned a talk based on Matt 6 about keeping your eye simple. I looked up some non jw info and aced the talk and threw it right back in their face.

    Soon after I resigned from the school. That simplifies my life a lot.

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