Turns out they don't care about JW children either.............

by dubstepped 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dubstepped

    So by now most of us have seen the clip of an elder getting owned by the attorney regarding why they don't seem to care for the children OUTSIDE of the congregation by refusing to report suspected child abusers. If not, here's a link:


    But let's take a peek into the 2013 Guidelines For Branch Office Service Desks found HERE about 3/4 of the way down (it is a pdf download).

    Something that caught my attention in particular, and my wife's as well, was point 11. It states:

    11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility—whether the sin occurred before or after baptism—there may be some serious problems if he later molests a child. This could bring great reproach on Jehovah’s name, and it could affect the faith and confidence that our brothers have in Jehovah’s organization. So the branch office is to consider this matter very carefully, weighing all the potential implications and factors before determining how a former child molester is to be used in the congregation.

    Just let that soak in. They are worried that if someone in authority molests a child it could A.) bring reproach upon Jehovah's name and B.) could affect the faith and confidence others have in the organization. Do you see anything missing there? WHAT ABOUT THE FACT THAT IT COULD ALSO DESTROY SOME CHILD FOR LIFE!!!!

    They don't even think about the kids. They are so worried about their precious appearance that they throw child molestation out there like there isn't even a CHILD involved? Maybe there is more to the instructions than what the RC provided or that I personally saw, but they don't really even mention the children until the very end, the last page of that topic as presented. The focus is on the molester themselves and how they can be used in the congregation. Not on how to help children that have been affected and their families. Certainly NO mention of going to the authorities. Again, I hope they go on somewhere after that to address those subjects, but you would think that in all of that information covered they could manage to include at least some of that. They certainly managed to cover how much of an impact this could have on their own reputation. Again, what about the kids? Worldly kids be damned, after all we have no need to report anyone to the authorities to help protect them. And JW kids? Meh, child is just a word put in front of molester to describe people that we might want to use organizationally.

  • Zoos
    All the child needs to do is pray more and go door to door. Problem solved.
  • sir82

    The WTS merely tolerates children. They are viewed as a nuisance at best.

    They certainly don't care about them, let alone love them.

    This, I believe, is a consequence of all the WTS decision makers living in the cold, sterile, child-free environment of Bethel for decades.

  • Vidiot

    dubstepped - "They are worried that if someone in authority molests a child it could A.) bring reproach upon Jehovah's name and B.) could affect the faith and confidence others have in the organization."

    The second one is the one that they are most scared of and the reason they have so stringently tried to keep the problem under wraps.

    Without a certain minimum of the rank-and-file fully buying into the assumption that the WTS is God's Earthly Organization, the entire construct is unsustainable.

  • brandnew

    WHOA ! ! ! ! ! JUST WHOA ! ! ! ! !


    this cruel corporation of self appointed nincompoop lames...needs to be brought down....just sayin...

  • Splash

    If an elder gets into trouble as a result of this Royal Commission, either because they have been appointed despite having previously abused children or because they mistreated an abused victim in a JC, maybe even DF'ing them, then the other congregations elders are also culpable.

    How? Because they would have known about this other elder, his history, the JC abuse etc.

    To stand by and knowingly let these things happen just because it's the easy option, demonstrates that elder to be complicit too.

    How can any congregation BoE defend themselves if one of them turns out to be an appointed pedophile?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    hey--that elder--has a MUSTACHE
  • flipper

    Great thread. Very well put. The train wreck that calls itself an " organization " - the WT Society - is about to be derailed. It needs to fully come flying off of the track and the only way to do this is by a massive media exposure of corruption and crimes committed and lawlessness exposed. And as you say the sad thing is the abused children get lost in the shuffle in all of this. WT Society is so concerned about their financial well being, the appearance of the GB and WT leaders in front of the rank & file JW's - that it's like the abused children don't even exist.

    I mean- good lord- look at the 2nd you tube testimony of the female victim BGC or whatever her name was and it absolutely rips your heart out listening to the corruption of her JW father, the corruption of the JW elders, and the corruption of all of her father's JW friends welcoming him back after he was reinstated. It's like she got abused over and over again by the attitudes of people in the congregation acting like her dad was some kind of celebrity after he abused his own daughter and other daughters.

    This organization is rotten from the top down to it's core. Time to chop the WT tree down and put in jail the corrupt men at the top. And others in positions of authority who allow child abuse to continue

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