Kid 1st Halloween..too much like door to door

by LyinEyes 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Ok , we got the little ones all ready to go trick or treating right...... they freaked the first couple of doors, scared to death to say anything to the people at the door. I was laughing so hard because they must have thought it was like the scarey days of going door to door in the ministry. After another house , we decide to go to the carnival in town and see what was going on there. It was a sad little carnival and their haunted house was , as mydaughter put it,,,,,,,,"a haunted box", that fell apart on the kids, it was cardboard.

    So we decide to go to a nice neighborhood down the street and do some more door to door, lol, I mean trick or treating. My daughter had a black cape on and a giant pumpkin head with flashing green lights. SHe feel about 5 times in that costume, and couldnt see a thing . She even plowed down a three year old because she didnt see her. Next year MS. Grace will not be wearing a mask. One time she got so tangled up in her cape it took me a few minutes to unravel her, and I almost feel. I am laughing hysterically by this time.

    My youngest son, feel about 10 feet rolling down someones drive way, because he was a ghost skeleton cowboy, with slick boots on.

    My conclusion is halloween is dangerous, and you better have a sense of humor to go along with taking kids.

    We even had to help some teenagers who landed their truck in the ditch , no telling what they must have been doing to get the truck that stuck.

    All and all, it was pretty fun, I don't think I have laughed so hard at my kids and all the others who were slip sliding on the grass. They had a blast and all I can say is thank God that is done,,,,,, and the next time is a year away..............

    We went out , Denny and I to a dance club and I saw these people dressed up: Ace Ventura Pet Detective, the whole group KISS,a man dressed as a hooters waitress( hairy belly), the blue men off that commercial, Britney Spears, witches, zombies, A nerd, with a kick me sign on his back. A rodeo clown, Dr. Seuse, Scarecrow, A convict( could have been her real clothes hehe), Santa Claus, the Pope.A hersey kiss, a fairy too.

    I added a cape and looked like a witch. I look like a witch anyway , so the cape was all I needed,,lol.

    It was fun, just looking down from the balcony at all the grown ups out having a fun time, playing dress up. I sit back at times like this and smile, just so happy to be living a normal life and thinking how sad and boring being a JW really was. I had no idea what I was missing, and you know what it wasnt evil at all.

  • Almost There
    Almost There


    Your Halloween sounded hilarious.

    My first time taking my son trick o treating was about 5 years ago. Not only his first time, but mine as well. I had a wonderful time and cried through half of the doors as I watched my son laughing and practically running to the next door.

    This halloween he did not want to go out, but we bought lots of candy and passed it out to the little princesses, goblins, etc. We really enjoyed it. I love the 2 and 3 yr. old they are so cute.

    Life away from the Witnesses has brought so much joy. But I cannot help but to mourn my lost childhood and the childhoods of those children whose families are still trapped in that disgusting CULT.

  • imanaliento

    LOL were going to have to send you some halloween safety tips.

  • searcher


    I am SO glad you enjoyed yourself !


  • Jesika

    I posted this on another thread, so I will post it here too.

    The first time I ever trick-o-treated was when I was in foster care. I was 15 and had never done this before. I had only been in the foster home for maybe a week before Halloween. Needless to say I was just recently df'd and READY to be "evil". I had a blast and wished I had been able to do this as a small child, seeing that I would have enjoyed it more.

    This Halloween, my sister and I (for the first time celebrated together) took our boys to the mall for trick-o-treating. We felt it a little to close for comfort to go "door to door" and felt it safer to go to the mall. With all the crazy things happening we would rather be in a public place. My son dressed up as a Ninja of death, I dressed up like a medival "commoner" , my sister wore a long velvet hooded cloak with dark makeup (kinda like a sorcerous or vampiress), and my nephew also had a cloak on (he is 3) with a silver (hockey mask type) mask that he refused to keep on. We didn't get bags and bags of candy, but it was enough and we all had fun. We had our pics made of us, I may have Valis post it for me. I will have to ask him.

    I enjoyed myself with NO GUILT!!!!! For JW's to judge others or pre-judge others is much worse a sin than to dress up and get candy from people who are more than willing to give it to the kids and to be in good spirits with total strangers. I see nothing wrong with it!!!

    Hope everyone has the chance to experience the fun we as children could not enjoy. Remember the saying------You are only as old as you feel!!!!!!!!!! So, let the child in you come out and you won't regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • COMF

    What! No pictures?

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