Passing ships in the night and the disobedient compassionate brother.

by The Marvster 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    Just wanted to talk about two odd DF'ing experiences I had; which gave me the 'personal' lesson that there are some in the WT who are definitely not militants when it comes to the whole disfellowshipping regime...

    Passing ships in the night - the irony

    Quite a while back, a brother turned up at my last congregation, he came to a few meetings and then I didn't see him for several weeks, and all of a sudden comes the announcement, he got DF'd. Anyway months later he starts attending meetings. I was an attendant at the back of the hall a lot in this period and several times had to hand him a copy of the WT if he didn't have one during the study. Most times I would sort of lean over and put my hand on his shoulder and give him a gentle but firm squeeze to get his attention while giving him the magazine; I don't know, I felt sorry for him and was trying to find a way to show him with an act of affection that he wasn't hated, as I never warmed to the whole DF'ing arrangement.

    well fast forward many months and he's finally reinstated, joy of joys, I could talk to him, and we got on pretty well, and I liked the kind of person he was.

    so fast forward a few more months, and guess what? yep, I'm now the DF'd one... So in the early days, not having received the organisation's 'So you've been disfellowshipped, now what?' instruction brochure ... i'm still trying to figure out how to act when I see brothers in the street etc..

    Low and behold, one day I'm leaving work, turn the corner and here's this ex DF'd now reinstated brother, in field service garb, walking straight towards me; we looked at each other and I tell you what, there was not one bit of hatred, animosity, unkindness, or displeasure or anything negative in his eyes. He almost had a look that seemed to say 'I know exactly what's going on, I understand'... Then we walked past each other... the irony of it... we swapped places, with such a short friendship in between, it left me feeling pretty weird. I had expected to feel real tension when I would meet with brothers I knew, but that one proved me wrong.

    another one;

    The disobedient compassionate brother

    I got a nice surprise the other day. I was taking a stroll during my lunch break on a quiet deserted street just beside a cemetery, and a pizza delivery guy on a motor bike pulls up next to me, takes off his motorbike helmet, revealing his face. it was a brother that used to be in the congregation; moved on but still a JW. He asked me how I was and I was really hesitant because this is the first time a witness I know has spoken to me in so long; I was taken aback and stumbled to make conversation. I asked him if he knew I was DF'd and he said 'yes but it doesn't matter, I'm speaking to you as a friend', he then tried to find out what happened and said, that if I wanted to come back, come back for Jehovah and 'not the brothers', I could have broken down in tears right there and then... he asked me if I am happy and I struggled to answer because I didn't want to explain what I've experienced since leaving the org, it would have taken too long. Well, he said goodbye to me, shook my hand and we went our separate ways.

    Thing about this brother is that when he was in my congregation, he was ridiculed, vilified, mocked, by a lot in the congregation...a bit of an ugly duckling metaphorically, and was treated as an outcast by his own JW family for this. Once he sent a mass text message inviting brothers in the congregation to subscribe to JW-match, which I understand he did in total innocence just trying to help single brothers and sisters, I guess he didn't see what was coming because he was reported to the elders and I never saw him again, and nobody talked about him either; Weird.

    Maybe all that mistreatment turned him into a very compassionate person... it touched my heart so deeply that he would take the time to stop and talk to me, he said he had spotted me taking walks before and wanted to talk to me.... I wonder if he's been DF'd before? After this experience some of my animosity towards brothers cooled a bit. Amazing what 'one' act of kindness can do.

    Even though I have not had any contact from my mother, my 'best' friends, my sister and her children since being disfellowshipped, I see there are still some compassionate ones fully in there who are not willing to let the GB dictate how they show love.

  • babygirl30

    Amazing...isnt it? That some don't forget that we all are HUMAN! Makes it nice to see that. And it feels good. Ive had a few run-ins with a JW here and there, and some will speak - some wont. The most ironic was a very close friend of mine...who actually lived IN my house. This chick was a ho - H.O. 😁 but was living the double life, all the while, Im DF'd. This chick ends up deciding she wants to come clean, confesses, then gets reproved. But the best part is thay she had the audacity to tell me she could no longer deal with me until I cleaned up my life and came back? Wtf?!

    So ya can go either way.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Good experience.

    I refused to shun one of my good friends while he was DFd. Now I'm scared that he would report me for my "apostate" opinions. He went through the "wrongest" DFing that I've ever heard about, but he's still a diehard JDub.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Isn't it strange that when a Witness treats you like a human being instead of a victim of Satan's trickery they are a hero? The fact is that ANY worldly person will treat you that way and they are not anything special. They just don't know how bad a person you are (sarcasm towards the Borg) because they truly expect that everyone is the same in God's eyes. I hate it when witnesses who act like a rational human are considered a credit to the religion. They are actually showing its all BS. Don't forget that and get sucked back in.
  • Vidiot

    My otherwise loyal JW parents always bent that rule, so I did, too.

    In fact, it always surprised me that others followed it so stringently.

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    Thanks Wasanelder Once. Actually after writing this I worried that I might have given the impression that I was 'praising' the organisation, One thing I'm coming to realise, which is quite upsetting, is that ACTUALLY there are a lot of good hearted people out here, I've been lucky enough to make 2 really good friends and they constantly baffle me with their sincerity... I was taught that only JW's were truly loving..I believed the lie and judged all non JW's as 'incapable of true love'. (by the way, now you have me wondering why being treated humanely by a JW now I'm DF'd would elicit so much appreciation... maybe it's a case of when evil behaviour turns good? I dunno)

    Doc and babygirl30, the things you said about those who were once in bad standing themselves now being potential shunners really makes me think that Shunning is less about love for the shunned one, or obedience to the GB, but more about fear-based 'self preservation'... if there was no chance of being frowned upon, and there were no repercussions for talking to DF'd or DA's I wonder how many would engage in this cruel practice?

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    Vidiot, it's good to hear that your parents had (for want of a better term) the BALLS to defy that 'arbitrary' GB rule... I recon that shunning would be dropped en mass the day after, if it were ever re evaluated and seen for what it really is...

  • Giordano

    The most tragic shunning seems to be a Baptized teenager who get's addicted with drugs, Alcohol or may have mental health issues and is not only shunned but made to leave their home at 18. Barely a HS education or not even that, no trade, no money. It's a time in a person's life that they need a stable environment with the people who love them the most to get control over their issues instead they are cast away like garbage.

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    it really defies logic, because the only way those youngsters can resolve this is by being forced to return to the 'truth'... and persevere through many months of social isolation and antisocial behavior from the 'loving' members of the congregation, where everybody acts like 'you're dead'...

    I mean that situation is really screaming 'LOSE-LOSE'...

  • zeb

    This not speaking to people was in my kh experience based on what Paul said about treating (dfd) ones like taxpayers and people of the world. Did he say to be rude to them? No.

    and good for the bro on the motor bike.. it must be some thing about motorbikes..

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