Satan Changing Evidence AGAIN!

by notsurewheretogo 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notsurewheretogo

    I see Satan is at it again....a human tooth found in France is dated as being 560,000 years old...obvious nonsense since humans have only been on this planet 6,000 years will people ever find "the troof" if he keeps doing this?

    I actually kept track of all the evidence there is for the 6,000 years nonsense when I started my fade years ago but quickly gave up...far too much of it.

  • Heaven
    notsure, wowzers! Thanks for posting this. The dating puts this tooth in the 'homo erectus' period.
  • bohm
    I interpret this as the scientists having found Satans tooth. Evidently, he lost the tooth when he was thrown out of heaven in 1914, proving the eternal truth of the Bible.
  • Half banana
    Half banana


    No it must have 560 years and the zero got stuck on the keyboard!

    Actually I do wonder how there can be any fundamentalists in France as the country is so rich in prehistoric finds. Not just in the Pyrenees at Tautavel (from which place already comes a wonderful skeleton around 450,000 years old) but especially the region around Lez Eyzies in the Dordogne which is noted as the capital of prehistory. The museum there should convince anyone that the genus Homo has a very long pedigree reaching back into the remote past.

    I reckon that the archaeology of French prehistory is a definitive damning of the Bible as literal truth. How can French witnesses live with themselves? I suppose in a bubble with blinkers and ear plugs.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Satan is my man, he told us from the start, think people.

    He told Eve, "you will be like God", not a God. When the writers of the Bible

    came up with these outlandish stories, Satan steps in and leave little clues.

    You see God tried wiping out all the past evidence with the flood.

    OK, I might be reaching here with my thoughts.

  • Phizzy

    Just wondering, should it not be called a Hominid tooth, rather than "human".

    To use the word "human" makes it sound as though without doubt it comes from what we would call Modern Man, whereas it could really be from some hominid earlier than modern man.

    Just askin'

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Dating method is inaccurate, whatever method it is.

    James Mixon:

    You and I have the same hero.

    How many killing by Jehovah? :millions

    How many killings by Satan? 8 children of Job, with authorization of Jehovah

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