The angels are rejoicing...

by PopeOfEruke 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    How the angels in heaven must be rejoicing, after hearing the news from Moscow that there are now 140 more people safely into the New System. And amongst these 140 new resurrectees-to-be are 50 of the vilest terrorists from among mankind! Oh, what a smack in the eye to Satan when these 50 evil murderers are resurrected to Paradise Earth to see what a just God Jehovah is and one who sticks to his Word! Yes, there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust! Oh what a glorious day!

    With what keen anticipation these angels must now eye my 9 year old son, who is currently struggling with his piano lessons! What a vindication when his little life is terminated by a savage sword stroke by Jehovahs angel of death at Armageddon! And all because I didn't listen to the Watchtower.

    How loving and just Jehovah truly is!

    The Pope

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