Moo Goo Blind Gai, anyone?

by Nathan Natas 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Flavor Enhancer MSG Linked to Blindness in Rats Wed Oct 23, 2:23 PM ET

    LONDON (Reuters) - High levels of a flavor enhancer common in oriental and processed food can cause serious eye damage and blindness in rats and possibly humans.

    Scientists at Hirosaki University in Japan said rats fed a diet high in monosodium glutamate, or MSG, suffered vision problems and had thinner retinas than other animals.

    Glutamate has already been shown to cause nerve damage when it is directly injected into the eye but Hiroshi Ohguro, who led the research team, said their study is the first to show that eating foods containing high levels of MSG can cause eye damage.

    "Lesser amounts should be OK," he told New Scientist magazine Wednesday, "but the precise borderline amount is still unknown."

    Ohguro believes his findings, which were reported in the journal Experimental Eye Research, could explain why there is a high rate of a particular type of glaucoma in eastern Asia but it could also be due to genetics.

    Glutamate is a neurotransmitter, or message-carrying chemical. Ohguro and his team found high levels of MSG in fluid that bathes the retina in the rats. They think it reduces sight by destroys some retina cells and damaging others.

    The scientists fed rats three diets containing different levels of MSG. Rats which had the high and moderate levels of MSG had eye damage.

    The amount of MSG given to rats is much higher than people would normally consume, according to Peng Tee Khaw, an eye expert at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

    "But if you're a sodium glutamate junkie, then you could potentially run into problems with your retina," he said.

  • Amazing

    Oh rats, so that is why nearly a billion Chinese need glasses.

  • mamashel

    Nathan, I know all too good about MSG. I was having servere headaches, and blurred vision, and even migraines at times. My doc found that it was linked to MSG. If i eat anything that has it in it, i get a headache and my head feels wierd. So I stay as far away from it as possible.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    We need the new system!! Everything will be organically grown, fresh clean water, grapes the size of tennis balls, well, you get the picture


  • logical

    its a conspiracy so glasses makers can sell more

  • butalbee

    What about the Pu Pu platter? Or the subgum wonton? I don't know about this blindness, but I do know that their isn't a cat w/in a 3 block radius around our local chinese resturant.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The irony is that as far as the US Food & Drug Administration is concerned, MSG is a "naturally occurring" substance. Many times when a product label lists "natural flavor" at least some of the "flavor" is MSG. It is true that Glutamic acid is a natually occurring amino acid.Mono-Sodium Glautamate is simply the sodium salt of glutamic acid. I guess I wonder why some people, like myself, get headaches when I consume MSG and do not get headaches when I consume food high in glutamic acid. Excellent sources of glutamic acid include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products, as well as some protein-rich plant foods.

    Today, MSG is made from starch, corn sugar or molasses from sugar cane or sugar beet. It is produced by natural fermentation processes, the manufacturers tell us.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 24 October 2002 20:59:0

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