Mormon temple interior design/architecture vs JW interior design/architecture

by Bob Loblaw 0 Replies latest social current

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    I checked this out:

    ...and have to say, I was very impressed. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Mormons are a brainwashing cult just as destructive as JW's, but on a purely aesthetic level, this temple anyways, is quite beautiful imo. I have never been able to say that about JW interior design/architecture.

    All the JW Kingdom Halls that I have ever been to are so extremely white bread inside and out. I imagine that the reason for their extreme plainness is two fold. Why spend money on beauty and quality when Armageddon is right around the corner?...And, why spend money on the rank and file when we can fill our own coffers?

    Wake up JW members! Your religion is boring, uninteresting, and extremely plain. Plain can be beautiful, but, in your case, plain is ugly.

    I drive by the JW street cart witnesses and you people just stand there. 99% of your time you aren't talking to anyone and people pass you like their invisible. Boring! Your halls are boring, your doctrine is boring, and your new light is boring.

    Dear Governing Body, I cringe at the extreme plainness you have created. Spice things up a bit for your members. Come off your billions and build a beautiful/interesting building, create beautiful interior design, hang beautiful/interesting artwork, do something, anything, interesting. Do it for those poor souls who will never leave.

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