Why has Kitchener no beer left???Beans?

by mouthy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I returned from a very important convention. I was met at the door by neighbours telling me Kitchener has run out of beer???( Not that I drink) but it was quite an unusual occurance for a German town.

    Thought very little of it- TILL I went to a site on this board. & was informed the Canadian Overbeer

    had visited this town in my absence------- So the mystery was solved. Of course I will not mention to my neighbours that I have associated with this person we ALL know "Bad associations spoil useful habits!!!!!!""

  • Beans

    Yes me and Onkle Hans drank up all the froth Mouthy. We will be returning next summer with the kiddies to go to Bingeman park for a camping weekend for sure. Make sure there is some beer in the summer for me EH!

  • heathen

    i love beer

  • orangefatcat

    Beans how could you drink Kitchner dry and not invite me?? And I noticed you have taken on a new title

    Canadian Overbeer!!

    Who bestowed this title upon thee???????????? Are you hanging around with Valis???????

    I am crushed Mouthy, Beans knows my weakness for beer and he didn't invite me.

    Does this mean i have to forgive him? It will be a difficult thing to do. But I will try!!

  • Valis

    Hmmm OFC, you bring up good points that may have to be written into the next Kegdom Ministers Scool...

    "Be Not Forgetting The Flock's Need For Spiritual Food" or "Dude just call me!"

    "Does Moderation Dictate Drinking It All?" or "Dude I'll pick up the next tab..."

    "Temptation, A Tool For Spiritual Warfare" Follow up to "Dude just call me!"

    Thank you OFC for bringing this spiritual crisis to the new light that glows as a constant neon reminder that spiritual needs must not be overlooked or untended.


    District Overbeer

  • Beans

    My sincere apologies sister Fatcat, but if you had come I do know that there would be no beer left for the Canadian Overbeer which is needed to inspire my spirituality. Althought the Kegdom Ministry School taught me how to put a Keg into a garbage can full of ice we neglected to get to the part of sharing with others as we were to hammered and the Overbeers could not function as good Apostates.


    Canadian Overbeer

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