Snow White Group Dynamics

by BATHORY 5 Replies latest jw friends


    Yeh G'Day all you hobbits ;

    Given the latest outbreaks of what appears to be a transient ( or previously dormant ) manifestation of altered sympathomimetic function that we have been exposed to at this forum by virtue of a few " you know whom they are posters", possibly as a result of the over active renal metabilisation of phenylamines and their analogues, ( very likely 3 - 4 ring substituted methoxy derivitives ), makes one question, or at least ponder, over the grand daddy of 'em all, namely....

    What is the driving force behind peoples behaviour within a dynamic and a closed group ??

    I do not prepose to bluff you good people with a theoretical paradigm, rather, i would like to offer those aforementioned ones an opportunity here within the walls of this forum, to tender insight for our consideration, you know, so that we can get a better appreciation for your lot in life, and whom it is that you really are.

    I ask you to help me understand the why's.

    Ultimately then, we as a cyber family, will be better equipt to interact with you and there may then be less a probabilty of the invariably grief that arises due to a misunderstanding of self.

    Can i offer the first piece of relevant light..

    * For cognitive psychology, one major problem with psychoanalysis is the interpreting of unconscious or symbolic meaning. I have been developing a qualitative cognitive and linguistic methodology for analyzing and validating unconscious meaning in conversations. For example, I have found that literal stories in conversations are often symbolic, or metaphorical references to what is actually happening in the social situation where the conversation is occurring. Because I have developed a cognitive linguistic framework, I call such unconscious meaning, subliteral. *

  • bikerchic

    OMG! You are kidding of course? Too many BIG words for me......

    bc (of the "we can get a better appreciation for your lot in life, and whom it is that you really are."class)

  • Satanus

    It sounds interesting.

    I have been developing a qualitative cognitive and linguistic methodology for analyzing and validating unconscious meaning in conversations.

    Given the inaccuracies and half truths used by those of us who give a try at being honest, this is truly a herculean feat. I salute you, farkeling amazing(i wanted to use our god's name in vain).


    That's good.

    Wasn't it jung who thought that the human species has a community subconscious? He used archetypes as a descriptor of common subconscious images. Would a self knowledge, including the subconscious be a prerequisite for learning language like this? Interesting, indeed.


  • SPAZnik
    over active renal metabilisation of phenylamines and their analogues

    lmao.yes, in keeping with the snow white theme...
    *mirror, mirror, on-the-wall who-can-piss-farthest-of-them-all?* heehee...*poster envy*...itz alwayz a great show.

    What is the driving force behind peoples behaviour within a dynamic and a closed group ??

    I doubt I'm one o' the aforementioned hobbits, but i'll bite anyway:

    At first I was going to say, self-preservation. I dunno, me thinks everybody brings their own intent to the table. I don't think there is just one answer. So to grossly oversimplify, each one comes here with their own driving forces, but ultimately they point to self-preservation.

    Para mi:

    Practise. Among other things, practise is a reason I come here. Dealing with the turbulance around this joint doesn't botha me much. I just view it as practicum for the freaks i gotta deal with in my day2day life. A honing of the skillz if u will. Self-preservation.

    My other driving force is an insatiable desire for a better vocabulary.
    Okayyyyyy, so it's actually SEX. Multi-syllabic words turn me on. Plain and simple.
    I don't even smoke but after this thread I'm seriously considering starting.


    lmao @ SaintSatan re "farkeling amazing" and "our god's name in vain". that wuz great.

  • Satanus


    Irreverent me. Haw.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    After parasympathetic adjustment to the dimension experienced as social symbol, following your directive annotation, I cannot go back into unconsciousness regarding this liguistic framework, therefore I put to you that rather than sub-literal, it indeed becomes metaliteracy, or even 'spirit'.

    The social symbol in the sympathomimetic response is causing a positive feedback loop in my linguistic analysis and now that social symbol in the sympathomimetic response is causing a positive feedback loop in my linguistic analysis and now that social symbol in the sympathomimetic response is causing a positive feedback loop in my linguistic must be 'spirit'.

    Edited by - a paduan on 19 October 2002 7:1:28

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