J.W. Elders Everywhere - Hang Your Heads in Shame

by The Searcher 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    You are corrupt and you know it!

    You reap what you sow, and for many of you, your dirty deeds will soon become crystal clear to the "sheep" whom you sanctimoniously claim to "shepherd", but in reality, are helping wolves to fleece and rip apart!

    You were complicit several years ago when you agreed to sign away the rights of their congregation's Kingdom Hall to the Org.

    You were complicit several months ago when you agreed to hand over all present and future surplus cash to the Org.

    You will continue to be complicit in the coming months by agreeing with C.O.'s to "merge" with other congregations - imposing further burdens on J.W.'s time & money.

    Glorious ones???????????? The Pharisees' egos were the same as yours - but someone else described them perfectly! (Matthew 12:34; Luke 20:46,47)

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD
    I remember my last elders meeting I was at in Nov. 2010 a letter was read about putting the Wt. on the congregation bank account. I was only weeks away from walking away. Put I was thinking how blindly the elders follow what the Wt. has to say. Key words the Wt. uses is simplifying things, less burden on the elders making things work more efficiently. When elders hear that they are ready to jump on the band wagon. This was the reason for the Wt. name being on the bank account at the time. I saw how they was taking over all aspects of the congregation moneys. I am so glad I am not part of that anymore. Still totally ADD
  • joe134cd
    Sorry I disagree with you on them been complicit. When I was awakening and becoming aware of Wt name been added to the KH properties. I phoned an elder to find out if this is what had happened to the KH in our area. The guy was totally clueless of what he had done, and passed me onto someone else who knew more about it, and this was the bozo who would of put his signature to it.
  • punkofnice

    I was an elder but I didn't know I was corrupt. I genuinely thought that I was in the one true faith and I was there to help. Of course, I woke up, but only after questioning. Only after wondering why things were so secular.

    I got out in 2010. My generation stopped overlapping at that time.

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