Who's lying?

by rollercoaster 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • rollercoaster

    Today I found out that the elder I admired and thought to be above reproach, was commiting adultery. The body of elders found out, and he was not removed. He also gave his part at the assembly.
    This is the same elder that told me not to get married. I would be disfellowshipped. So...rock my world!!!! I guess the elders are at times immune to the rules. Or is this part of the rules?
    The adulterous sister even admitted to the wrong doing. Go figure....Oh yeah...I'm getting married June 22.
    The sooner I am away from the org., the better!!!


  • unclebruce

    G'day Rollercoaster,

    Wow, Elders just got really frustated and tense in my day. These allegations are serious, please post the chaps name rank and phone number ;)

    Congratulations and best wishes on your forth comming marriage. Pehaps you could post a picture of the happy couple like Thirdson did. June 22 - mmm day after the sun changes direction - a good omen I hope

    cheers unclebruce

  • Scorpion


  • Scorpion


    I know of an elder who was seeing a married woman with 3 kids while her husband was working. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there was more going on then studying one of the Societies latest publications. To make a long story short, the elder ended up marrying the whore of a woman and they both have custody of the three kids. They are all JWs. The elder was never even reproved. There was a lot of back stabbing and lying involved against the husband.

    What happened to the poor sap that was out working while his wife and MR Spiritual were playing games? He has not seen his kids for over five years. His son who was 6 at the time of their last conversation told his dad he was going to die in armageddon if he did not start going to the meetings and worshipping Jehovah.

    I know this story all to well. The elder in question is my biological brother.

  • Latte


    That is so sad.

    No wonder I don't trust the elders.

    I have to say that there are some 'good' elders...my best friends (at present) husband is one of them.

    What mess comes from trying to dish out 'perfect law' by 'imperfect men'.

    Those poor children.


  • mustang

    Hey UB,

    I agree that some public recognition for such a (negatively) meritorious deed as this is in order. But be careful of the slander end of things.

    If I had my way, it would be publicly posted, as you say. Then people from everywhere could do a letter write-in to THE SERVICE DESK!!!

    I suppose some local(s) would have already done that, but what if LOTS of people from all over the world did just that???

    Just a wonderful witness is what we have here. I call these the HW's
    (Horrible Witnesses).

    Greetings and hallucinations

  • rollercoaster

    Well, as the story continues, the poor Brother is no longer attending meetings and the sister tried to kill herself. The elder has suffered no repercussions!! This is the same elder that kept counseling about what I should be doing.
    I would love to give names, dates, and places, but slander and gossip are things legal action could be taken on.
    It makes me so mad to see how the org., can ruin someones life. Then tthey blame it on the person whos life has been destroyed. The whole thing makes me sick.
    Anyway, just give me a gun.....(LOL)


    guess I shouldn't have said that, someone may take me serious. Really I couldn't do such a thing, but makes ya wonder what the difference is between the catholics and the JWs.

  • expatbrit

    The difference is that the Catholics are starting to acknowledge and try and make some amends for their abuses.


  • somebody


    Congratulation! Only 84 more days!

    I wish there was such a thing as on-line wedding showers. My address is available if you click on it. I'd really like to send you a wedding gift. If you're not too uncomfortable with it, you can e-mail me an address to send it to. If you are uncomfortable, that's understood too. I wish you the best of happiness!


    The difference is that the Catholics are starting to acknowledge and try and make some amends for their abuses.

    I also give the Catholic leaders credit for going on TV to PUBLICLY appoligize world wide for it's sins and false teachings. That's what I call showing humility. But I don't give the WBTS credit for questioning the motives of why the Catholics leaders did that, and taking on the authority to print in their publication that God has no room to forgive the Catholics anyway! .


  • MacHislopp

    Hello rollercoaster,

    To add wight to what you wrote...in many decades
    I've experienced elders and Co, lying in a most
    disgracefull way, cheating, showing partiality,
    nepotism, abuse of power, being worst than the
    Scribes and Pharisees...and believe me getting
    away with it! Today, they still "serve" as ...
    "elders" and to them it is normal.

    When you are a "YES" man, and you are ready to
    lie to save you face and the so called "privileges"
    well then you can also wrongly accuse others
    -slander - ! What a way...it makes you sick !
    Many of these "brothers" think that they can fool
    everybody, for me many have e serious handicap,
    and they have also ...very serious personality

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

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