NOACHIAN FLOOD c.2370 BCE part 2

by badboy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    If Noah's flood was global, how come lots of people r pagan?

    Doesn't it sound reasonable that they could have a relapse into paganism so soon after the flood?

  • Crazy151drinker

    Hmmm it wasnt global. It was local. But then again this is just my uneducated but logical explanation. Im sure someone will quote the bible where it says that it was global. "So then the bible must be wrong" Yada Yada Yada. Why must you knuckle heads take everything so litterally?? *ducks and covers head*

  • Know_You


    Like all apostates you know nothing of the human heart condtion. This world lies paralyzed in Satan' grasp - the very vice of the Devil is gripping it, and all within it. The human heart, as this board shows richly, is like a lodestone that always points to "bad." Why do you think Jesus had to come if the Flood was sufficient? The prime purpose of the flood was to rid the earth of the Nephilim - the progeny of an unholy onion between an angel and a daughter of men - and to serve as a warning for our day.

    The Ark well pictured the Ark of Salvation which is faithfully steered by the composite Noah - our dear body of "faithful ones" - the Slave. Shortly, this world will be erased from the scene and paermanent change to human hearts will be effected - either through a well deserved ripping out of them, while their owners are still going concerns, when the Big A hits, or, through the opening of new scrolls - that is for those who will be around to read them. Hope that helps.


    Edited by - Know_You on 11 October 2002 13:31:49

  • johnathanseagull

    Know_you....LOL I quote "unholy onion" LMAOROF.......would that be a spring, chive or any any case it's enough to make your eyes water!!!!!

  • Patriot

    According to scientists and archeologists, there is heaps of evidence around the world that show civilizations flourishing on or about the same time the "global" flood took place.

    Particularly, the Mayan civilization.

    Although I am not a scholar-far from it- it is unreasonable to deny these facts and finds. We can all sit here and say that every find that archeoligists make is tainted by anti-Jw apostates, but that would be rediculous even for the most well intentioned Jdub.

    The flood was local; remember these Nephilim (if this is what you believe in) were in a particulararea. Unless they beat Columbus to the "New World" there would be no need to flood the entire globe.

    It would be like using 12 cans of roach spray on a single baby roach. Is your God that ilogical?

    Or was he like " F@#k it, just lets flood the whole damn thing!"?


  • Navigator

    There was an interesting piece on T.V. several months ago (NOVA, I think) that examined a natural disaster that may well have been the basis for the Noah flood story. Seems that a natural dam that had built up over hundreds of years collaped and flooded several thousand square miles that was heavily populated for its day. The event was truy catastrophic, but local. The Jews borrowed that story from the Babylonians anyway. At the time of the flood, there were no Hebrew people, only wandering semitic herdsmen. They didn't become a people until Moses rounded up the semitic "wetbacks" of his day and welded them together during a 40 year sojourn in some very rough territory.

  • StinkyPantz

    I've always thought it was gross that Jehovah was still allowing incest.

    Kissing cousins.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 11 October 2002 16:4:54

  • Sentinel

    I can't quote where the specifics of this informations comes from at the moment, but there is agreed concensus that the Flood of Noah's day was confined to a peticular area. It was not "worldwide".


  • badboy

    bringing this 2 the top of the active topics,so any1 interested can c it

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