Fear, Ignorance, and the Awake Magazine

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The new Awake magazine is a classic example of the purpose
    of Watchtower propaganda. The Nov. 22 issue is entitled
    "Stem Cells - Has Science Gone Too Far?".

    Examine that title carefully. Notice how it gives emphasis
    to apprehension, doubt, yes, even fear about the future.
    Notice how the article carefully 'bends away' from the
    incredible promise of this technology - of possibly curing
    every loss of function in the human body.

    Notice how the article 'stretches' to find anything negative
    and fearful it can - as if they hope the research will
    slow down or never arrive or always cost too much (pg. 7).

    Keep in mind that , for millions of Witnesses, this propaganda
    science. In effect, they can only see matters thru the
    deceptive prism of Watchtower perceptions.

    And why would the Watchtower find common cause with Catholics,
    Fundamentalists, and political religionists in trying to
    stop stem cell or biotech research?

    Because it will make them obsolete.
    Because it will mean that they, and all their magazines,
    mitres, and authority will join the ranks of slide rules
    and buggy whips

    and they know it!

    The 'bait and switch' propagandists at the Watchtower
    have no real interest in seeing the lame walk again,
    or the blind see, or the deaf hear.

    Their greedy goal is TO HANG ON TO POWER A FEW MORE
    YEARS and emphasize their cherished allies, fear and
    ignorance, to keep their organization 'idol' alive.

    I say, Godspeed to the researchers
    and the noble cause of seeing Mr. Reeve walk again.
    (even if that seems naive)


  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    If you screw up individual pages really tightly and don't wipe too hard, it gets most of the dirt from around the anus with only minor scratches.

    Best place for Awake!

    I still get given the magazine from time to time and frankly, its just boring and samey.

  • Windchaser

    I have found the content in their magazines to be highly unreadable for a long time. I guess 'fear and ignorance' doesn't fit on my plate anymore.

    Edited by - windchaser on 6 October 2002 10:48:15

  • dmouse
    Stem Cells - Has Science Gone Too Far

    Fear and ignorance of science has always been a trademark of the WBTS. They hated the advancement of inoculations for the very same reason - it showed them up for the charlatans they are when disease not only didn't explode after 1914 but in general the human race made massive strides in controlling it.

    Now that the old understanding of the 'disgusting thing' has been abandoned maybe 'science' will become the new 'disgusting thing, standing where it ought not (with God-like powers)'

    Watch out for new light!

  • goatlike

    "this propaganda - MAY BE THE ONLY THING THEY REGULARLY READ..."

    you said it...science or otherwise, their own propaganda is their primary reference.. ever see little dub kids writing essays for school with nothing but a stack of bound volumes?

    no wonder they're so proud of their printing presses, like many other cults, their trash could never see the light of day if they didn't print it themselves. i wonder if they've ever had a single publication page that a regular publishing house would print?

    Edited by - goatlike on 6 October 2002 14:38:2

  • stichione

    this type of propaganda suits the WTS's teachings. It teaches it's mindless drones that science cannot solve mankind's problems, but instead that only God's govenment, through the earthly direction of the Faithful and Indiscreet Slave class, can.

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