Persecution: Fight Against it, or Take it?

by Funchback 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Funchback

    Hello, folks.

    JWs, always highlighting that persecution is a sign that they are the true religion, look for ways to avoid being persecuted. Here are some recent examples from their own website:

    I don't want to see anyone persecuted for their religious beliefs, for sure. I'm merely pointing out that, on the one hand, they wear persecution as a badge of honor. On the other hand, they take all kinds of legal action to stop persecution. Time and time again they have appealed to the UN (the Wild Beast) for assistance. They have filed petitions in courts. All in the hopes of having the freedom (sans persecution) to worship.

    If it's part of their being recognized as "the truth", then they should roll with the punches and wait on their God, at least that what the bible says that they should do.

    What say you?

  • freemindfade

    Remember when the branch davidians were persecuted by the federal government?

    Cults are gonna catch heat. Witnesses should are no different. Unfortunately that's easier to see for us awake folks

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