watchtower double talk

by needs_lots 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • needs_lots


    I read with amazement your post in defence of the watch tower pr release. I do want to know which Bethel you are stationed at and how long it has been since you stepped outside the walls of the compound. Have you ever heard of the Stockholm syndrome; where a perfectly normal person who is held captive for long enough will begin to identify with the terrorists who control their life.

    My wife and I just went through a twelve day trial where we fought to get the society to acknowledge the wrongs they did to my wife. As for your comment about Idiot elders; the society keeps these men in the dark and feeds them shit just like little mushrooms. and the Mushrooms are happy because they only know life in the dark. The shit that the society pumps out does nothing to help these men understand the responsability that comes with the position they occupy within a closed society such as the JW's.

    In addition the only man who told the truth on the stand was one of those "IDIOT" elders. The other bethelites lied through their teeth and tried to pin it on anyone but themselves in spite of the massive number of "secret" letters that we uncovered and produced to prove that the confrontation was directed from the Bethel itself.

    As far as reporting , the elder who eventually reported the matter was immediatly removed as an elder for being strong willed and then later DF'd for being unreasonable.

    CYGNUS, could you comment on the application of MATT 18 in making an abuse victim confront her abuser despite her pleas not to be made to do it. And how about the Bethel directing the cong elders to "persuade strongly" the victim that she had to apply Matt 18 or else be blood guilty at armageddon.

    OH yes, when the victim finally had a mental collapse due to the trauma of having to relive the abuse she was told that she did not have the spirituallity of a proper JW and that she could not live up to the high spiritual standards of the JW's. And that she had HAD to show signs of forgiveness to the abuser. ( PS the abuser was given the SEVERE repremand of not being able to handle the microphone for 6 months) However he was able to give prayers and serve as a pioneer and a mentor to young married couples. (All at the blessing of the Bethel)

    The Bethel has never said they were sorry or asked what they could do to help vicki. The only way they know is the court system.

    It remindes me of ADAM AND EVE and the snake in the garden of eden. The BETHEL is the snake trying to tell eve to eat the forbiden fruit in order to turn them away from god. The forbiden fruit in this case is the WATCHTOWER and AWAKE magazines which hide the true message of god in the bible and pervert the good intentions of millions of people into serving the anti-christ through fear of speaking up against the Governing Body.


  • Jonadab

    Quote: As far as reporting , the elder who eventually reported the matter was immediatly removed as an elder for being strong willed and then later DF'd for being unreasonable.

    Are you referring to Frank Mott-Trille? I thought that he was df'd for misappropriation and misapplication of funds, including $45,000 of the Canadian branch's money. At least that is what he got disbarred for doing according to the Ontario Lawyers Gazette.

    I am sorry for what Vicki had to go through. No one should have to go through abuse at the hands of anyone. I was abused by 2 teenaged boys when I was 11 and not a day goes by that I don't think about it. Neither one is a JW now, nor were they doing anything about the truth back then. Their parents are though. I never told anyone about what happened for the next 30 years. My wife knows as does my sister.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    The Matthew 18:15-17 Rule:

    The Watchtower November 1st 1995 Issue:

    What if the sufferer decides that he wants to make an accusation?# (FOOTNOTE SAYS: It may also be necessary for the step outlined in this paragraph to be taken if the matter has become common knowledge in the congregation.) Then the two elders can advise him that, in line with the principle at Matthew 18:15, he should personally approach the accused about the matter. If the accuser is not emotionally able to do this face-to-face, it can be done by telephone or perhaps by writing a letter. In this way the one accused is given the opportunity to go on record before Jehovah with his answer to the accusation. He may even be able to present evidence that he could not have committed the abuse. Or perhaps the one accused will confess, and a reconciliation may be achieved. What a blessing that would be! If there is a confession, the two elders can handle matters further in accordance with Scriptural principles.

    If the accusation is denied, the elders should explain to the accuser that nothing more can be done in a judicial way. And the congregation will continue to view the one accused as an innocent person. The Bible says that there must be two or three witnesses before judicial action can be taken. (2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19) Even if more than one person "remembers" abuse by the same individual, the nature of these recalls is just too uncertain to base judicial decisions on them without other supporting evidence. This does not mean that such "memories" are viewed as false (or that they are viewed as true). But Bible principles must be followed in establishing a matter judicially.

    What if the one accused though denying the wrongdoing is really guilty? Does he "get away with it," as it were? Certainly not! The question of his guilt or innocence can be safely left in Jehovah's hands. "The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men their sins also become manifest later." (1 Timothy 5:24; Romans 12:19; 14:12) The book of Proverbs says: "The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish." "When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes." (Proverbs 10:28; 11:7) Ultimately, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus render everlasting judgment in justice.1 Corinthians 4:5.

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 2 October 2002 17:7:0

  • SYN
    ( PS the abuser was given the SEVERE repremand of not being able to handle the microphone for 6 months)

    Come on guys, say it with me, "WE LOVE THIS RELIGION!!!!!!"

    [SYN], Teeth-Grinding Class...

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The abused has already engaged the sinner alone, but the abuser still abused - so then a couple of others were told, and typically the abuser avoids responsibility - then the whole church is told - still they do nothing.

    Treat them as you would a taxcollector - they are of the world.


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