Witness Passive Resistance?

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I wonder what happens to the Watchtower if a quiet pattern of passive resistance develops.

    The average Witness might not even be aware of it - they skip more meetings, take up
    college courses, pad more hours, and (the big one!) FAIL TO CONTRIBUTE!

    I thought of this while noticing that a supposedly zealous congregation sent in less
    than 300 bucks last month to the 'WorldWide Work'. That doesn't leave much of a profit
    margin for the Society.

    What can they do about it? Beg more, guilt more, threaten more - tell me how effective
    this is WHEN APPLIED TO YOUR TEENAGE KIDS? You know the answer already.

    I suppose they could hand over the printing to some outside firm that pays taxes,
    collect a fee for the copyrighted material, and call it 'simplification'.
    Meanwhile, they withdraw to comfortable country estates in Paterson.

    Who knows? Apathy may win more converts than any overt opposition does.


  • SYN

    Not a bad idea at all, Metatron. Imagine hundreds of fake Apostate Congregations, completely "loyal", going out in the Ministry (but secretly spending all their time eating doughuts ), taking literature from the Society, but never paying for it or contributing...we could suck them DRY! Because the moment they start physically forcing people to pay for literature, they lose their tax-free status...yeehaaaa........

  • RunningMan

    Apathy is probably their biggest danger.

    The organization has always thrived on maintaining a spirit of urgency. The only way you can get people to go to three meetings a week, plus service, plus assemblies, plus personal study, is to make them virtually panic about something - in this case, the end of the world.

    Well, the panic is dying down. Meeting attendance and contributions are dropping, members are becoming more involved in carreers, etc. Service is becoming more and more shallow. The chronology, which has traditionally driven the panic, is wheezing its last breath.

    Once the old guard dies off, the new ones are really just nominal Witnesses. The organization will need to adjust itself to a new reality. They are not prepared for the long haul.

  • InquiryMan

    I am afraid your observations are correct.
    I myself testify to this fact.

  • mustang

    Amazing has posted a

    Passive Resistence ... 10 Step Program


    Is this the JW equivalent of 'the 12 steps"??

    Let's not forget this. It is a way to go. It is very similar to the way that I "drifted away" 30 years ago. I added moving around the country, getting heavily involved in work and other distractions.

    Slow and Gradual, that was the ticket. Distractions and Excuses are the dressing on the plan.

    As for THE BIG ONE, I was poor and learned to quit contributing when I was 'fortunate" enough to make 25$ a month while pIONEERING. I decided after a while that Jesus would have to be at the door "glad handing" every Sunday before I would contribute :)

    (If you absolutely must contribute 1$ is plenty.)

    Oh, & while you are slowing down, 1 hour of Field Service is also plenty.


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