What started me on the path to waking up about the lies the WT teaches?

by oppostate 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jookbeard
    destruction of billions of non jw's plus the resurrection into the paradise , the longer I'm out the more insane it is.
  • RichardHaley

    For me it was a culmination of things but the two most for me was CoC and the Generation teaching. Of course many things became crystal clear the less involved I was in jw activities. I was stunned when I examined the 607 baloney. Londo did it for me, and it was fun to use the astronomy app to boot!

    I almost walked away in 02 after the dateline show. Not because of the show itself but how the elders in our cong were handling it ( and expected me to follow suite) telling the cong it was apostate lies because no sister would be allowed to wear a pant suit at bethel! I asked them if they realized that Barbara Anderson was no longer at bethel when the interview was taken. Just got the deer in the headlights look from the boe. At that time I came to the conclusion it was just the mentally challenged elders in my congregation... little did I know.

  • Ding

    How dare they deny me a belief firmly stated in the Scriptures?

    The WT doctrine denies everyone but the 144,000 just about every promise contained in the New Testament.

  • Oubliette

    I can't remember which got me thinking first: the UN/NGO Scandal or the fact the Stephen Lett is obviously such an idiot that there's no way in hell that God would ever pick him to represent him. They both hit about the same time, 2002/3.

  • Oubliette

    John Aquila: 607 and it was Londo's fault!

    Really? How was it Londo's fault? There's a story there and I wanna hear it!

  • The_Doctor10

    607 definitely was the kickstarter, it opened my mind up to the fact that the organization will willingly hold to false information because of held doctrine. This shook me to my core because before I found this out, I had believed that 607/1914 was our most firmly researched and valid beliefs.

    If they lost 1914/1919 then the GB wouldn't hold their claim atop Mount of All Lies, so of course they won't admit to being wrong, they have EVERYTHING to lose over it.

    Finding this out removed my previously held notion that I shouldn't question the GB, and replaced it with, I should question EVERYTHING!

    It only took me about 6 months or less to drop my belief in JW doctrine, it would take me another year to drop my faith in the Bible. I think I knew the Bible was wrong early on, but I wanted it to be right, so the internal struggle of wanting it to be true vs. my critical thinking raged on for about a year before I finally obliterated my faith completely.

  • cultBgone

    Lots of teachings didn't make sense, but topped with the continuing push to revere the elders it was all just too much.

    The biggest and most personal was the continuing child abuse coverups. We thought it was only our local elders that were uncaring and unbalanced in this, but to know that it was widespread and condoned by the GB made it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for this to be god's org.

  • OneEyedJoe
    The overlapping generation got me started and the misquotes in the creation book solidified my doubts.
  • Closer to Fine
    Closer to Fine

    When I was studying I was part of a group study which included some that were raised as jw's but weren't baptized yet. They were embarrassed when I would ask ?'s and would apologize to the baptized ones on my behalf. I didn't think I had done anything wrong by asking questions. I was told that questioning the gb was the same as questioning God himself. That made me very uneasy. It didn't feel right at all.

    That was years ago and since then I never question family members that are in. I let them talk and talk about how great the gb is, how satan is doing so many horrible things to them, and how close we are to the end etc....... I remain silent.

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Tho many inconsistencies were debated between my husband & I (mediator, the 2010 generation thing, the "we don't have enough funds to cover the assembly this weekend, then "Let's give $5,000 to the Society "Yaaaay" every single time... the weird & immoral things that are done, not corrected "in God's organization", ) but the real clincher??? 607...... No 607 = no 1914 = no 1919 = no nada.... = hasta la vista....

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