Fun Idea for the GB

by Jesus Christ 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Ok, so we all know how complacent the GB is in child sexual abuse, right? I was watching South Park tonight (yes, we all love it up here in heaven) and it was the episode where the boys join NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association). Always recognizing a good chance for a joke on someone I thought I'd go online and see if I could locate a website for NAMBLA.

    Well, if you go to you can see the page for NAMBLA with the instructions on how to join. It costs $40 per person but I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind pitching in to sign up various members of the GB (or even your favorite elder). Who cares about publicity or anything like that but think of how it would look to the other JW's when someone starts getting the newsletter either at Bethel or at your local KH. Granted, not all of them are screwing boys or anything but it would definitely make one hell of a statement!!!!!

  • minimus

    I wouldn't want that site on my computer.

  • stichione

    What a disgusting organization. And I thought the Watchtower Society was bad.

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