More Tips for KID-MURDER (special for F iend)

by Focus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    SOME MORE TIPS ON CHILD MURDER (for the benefit of our dear "Friend"):

    *** w91 6/15 18 [italics mine]
    If you have children, are you sure that they agree with and can explain the Bible-based stand on transfusions? Do they truly believe this stand to be God's will? Are they convinced that to violate God's law would be so serious that it could put at risk a Christian's prospect for everlasting life? Wise parents will review these matters with their children, whether they be very young or almost adults. Parents may hold practice sessions in which each youth faces questions that might be posed by a judge or a hospital official. The goal is not to have a youth repeat by rote selected facts or answers. It is more important that they know what they believe, and why. Of course, at a court hearing, the parents or others might present information about the risks of blood and the availability of alternative therapies. But what a judge or an official would likely seek to learn from speaking with our children is whether they maturely understand their situation and options and also whether they have their own values and firm convictions.

    One wonders where the spineless coward is hiding - for hiding it certainly was that F iend received in this forum. Advice from the FDS on dealing with apostates is to be found at - I wonder if it qualifies as Policy, which is a term which which F iend was idiotically contending had a clearcut meaning when applied to a cheating, lying, disgusting, weasel-wording whoreganization such as the Watchtower Babble & Trappem Sicksiety.

    (Stoning is FAR too good for them! Class)

  • Tina

    ahhh a Wt primer is needed for the young ones....perhaps it could be titled."Dick and Jane do the Blood Boogie'............
    See Dick
    See Dick scream
    No Blood No
    See Jane
    See Janes pic-line
    Yank Jane Yank!
    See Spot
    Look Spot Look
    See Jane Die
    See Dick die
    Cry SPot Cry

    Ahh,havent seen friend kinda miss his narcissistic patois....but then I'm just funny like that, Tina

  • Tallyman

    [QUOTE]SOME MORE TIPS ON CHILD MURDER (for the benefit of our dear "Friend"):[/QUOTE}


    Could you get word to PB and let him know I altered his WTRape Flip/Flop List and applied it to WatchtowerKids.

    I was applying the same logik the Kult uses for woman (and men) to the little boys and girls. I hope it is alrite with PB...


  • BadAssociate

    focus -

    i'm not sure if the subtle approach you're using to draw your f iend out will succeed.

    impeccable content


  • jelly
    It is more important that they know what they believe,

    Isn't wonderfull that the sociey is there to let people know what they believe, if the society didn't tell them they may never know what they believe.

    I think this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen in print.


  • Focus

    Message relayed. I am happy to see that you are unfazed by lurkernomore, which probably is one of the bio-degradeable WTS-apologists from a.r.j-w who is really irked that justice was done; I hope you continue to post here (h2O, thanks to the ravages of Moderator 101 and cohorts, is increasingly a waste of time: as they sowed, now shall they reap).


    i'm not sure if the subtle approach you're using to draw your f iend out will succeed. impeccable content

    Yes, I thought I was being too subtle for him... These spiritual drunkards think they are playing golf with god but miss the wood for the tees.


    Isn't wonderfull that the sociey is there to let people know what they believe .. I think this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen in print.

    On the Watchtower Scale of Sheer Idiocy, where 0 represents a sensible, balanced, fair statement (rare indeed in WTS-LitterItchAhhh) and 10 represents babbling insanity, IMO it only scores a 6 or 7. Right up there at 9 is the following brilliancy:

    Revelation 14:20 'And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and (six) two hundred furlongs' [means] A stadium is 606 3/4 English ft,; 1200 stadii are, mi., 137.9. The work on this volume was done in Scranton, Pa. As fast as it was completed it was sent to the Bethel. Half of the work was done at an average distance of 5 blocks from the Lackawanna station and the other half at a distance of 25 blocks. Blocks in Scranton are 10 to the mile. Hence the average distance to the station is 15 blocks, or 1.5 mi. Official Railway Guide time table distance Scranton to Hoboken Terminal, 133.0 mi. New York City Engineer's official distance Hoboken to the Bethel, via Barclay Street Ferry, Fulton Street and Fulton Ferry, 8,850, 4,950, 2,540 and 1,460 feet respectively, or a total of 3.4 mi. Shortest distance from place where the winepress was trodden by the Feet Members of the Lord, Whose Guidance and help alone made this volume possible. mi., 137.9.. John 6:60,61 .. Matt. 20:11

    Fine spiritual food on page 230 of 'The Finished Mystery', 1917, a People's Pulpit Association publication for the Watchtower Society.

    (Hoboken Class)


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