Salisbury North Carolina Contacts?

by Lin 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lin

    I am in contact with a lady living in Salisbury North Carolina who would really appreciate having people to talk to. She's df'd and having a real hard time of it. I've told her about this site, and she posts on Silentlambs. If you live in or around Salisbury, please email me directly so I can assist putting you in contact with each other. She's very depressed right now. Please help!

  • Xandria

    I live South of her .. in Charlotte.


  • waiting

    I live even further south - near Columbia, SC. Yeru also lives in Columbia. Perhaps we can email to her?

    Must be a drag living where those Circuit Assemblies are held each weekend. Lol - if you go into town, no way not to bump into a jw.

    However, Salisbury itself - has beautiful historic parts to it. We used to skip sessions, buy gourmet coffee & then just drive around all the beautiful antique homes.....antique shops too


  • Rogue_Protecter

    I was raised about 30 minutes from lil town called Denton...ya know one of them NC towns where they roll up the street at 9 and blow the candles out in the street lights...

  • Rogue_Protecter

    We actually may know some of the same people...would be interesting to chat with her...

  • SweatPea

    Lin........I live about 50 miles from her.

  • Lin

    Sweet Pea, would you please email me directly so I can put you in contact with Nancy? Your email is private here and I don't feel right about posting hers here. Thanks everyone, I am forwarding your emails to Nancy, and please check your emails for an email from me with her email address. I hope you all will email her, she's been very depressed and could use lots of encouragement. Thanks somuch!

  • Lin

    Please everyone check your email. I've emailed you all, except for Sweet pea cause the email is private. Please let me know if you have any difficulty contacting her, so I can make sure I put her email address correctly for you. Sweet pea, please email me directly so I can put you in contact with Nancy. Thanks you all!!!!

  • TTBoy

    My uncle is a PO in Raleigh.........I'm sure he could help her.

    sorry, that wasn't funny but I just couldn't resist.

    Give some (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) from me.

    It's hard to be a former JW, DF, or DA if you still believe in what they teach. For me it is now hard being a former member and having nearly everything I truely believed in turn out to be a bunch of lies. It's a tough road but I see others have done it from being at the march. I know I can do it too.


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