Concerning Encores and Kryptonite

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    It stands to reason that a reactionary organization MUST react.
    So, the Watchtower MUST do something to confront the rising tide of exposure
    and opposition that grows daily.

    They react by lying, claiming persecution, shunning whistleblowers, downsizing,
    breaking up families, and sending their out their lawyers to defend their corruption.

    All very predictable. Not hard to foresee, once you understand the cruelty and
    depth of deception they've wallowed in for decades. On rare occasions like this,
    the curtain gets pulled back and you get to see them for what they really are -
    Ignorant, self deceived, and greedy petty tyrants who live for the cause of
    ruling every aspect of other people's lives.

    The trouble with all this recent reaction is: What can you do for an encore?

    You threaten Armageddon. You guilt tired publishers into dragging themselves into
    selling your magazines. You threaten shunning. You threaten, you threaten, you threaten...

    Once you've said it and repeated it over and over - and what's left?
    You escalate the rhetoric (like yelling at your kids) and then what?
    Maybe they shun all who have 'drifted away' - then what?

    Once, before 1975, I asked a Bethel elder, "Why doesn't the Society emphasize how near
    the End is? I mean with REAL INTENSITY?" He replied that the friends would grow tired
    and burn out , if too much emphasis was placed on it.


    Their only hope is that this all blows over - or that the world blows up
    and that everyone lets them alone -
    so they can get back to the 'good old days', when every lie they told was
    clutched to the bosom of eager (and ignorant) Witnesses.

    Don't ever let that happen
    Keep chipping away
    Keep the fire going that's lit under their wrinkled backsides

    because if you do,
    one day, there won't be any encore
    they won't have anything new to threaten that hasn't already been discounted
    there won't be any crazier rhetoric they can come up with
    it will all have been tried - to no avail.
    When that happens, they'll look pathetic, even to themselves.

    What we have here , in the form of the internet, is pure Kryptonite
    and the Theocratic Supermen can't stop it

    and everytime Brother Jaracz
    says "no weapon formed against you will have success"
    He's really just saying that TO TRY TO CONVINCE HIMSELF THAT IT'S TRUE!

    Pray for world peace
    and the downfall of those who hate it


  • obiefernandez


    thanks man. you are consistently one of the best essayists on this site.


  • og


  • DJ

    Hi Met,

    Nice style, lets hope and pray that it rings true. You have me now singing in my head< "Pocket full of Kryptonite"> thanks a lot. It will probably stick with me for days............... love,dj

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