Help , half my brain is missing!

by sleepy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Help , half my brain is missing!

    Where has it gone, well it's still there it just that it filled with 27 years of watchtower crap and i've got nowhere to put it, after all I can't take it out and put it in a jar, without some serious side effects.

    Just hope I've got enought brian left to take me through the rest of my life.

    But seriously(ahem) how does being fed seriously mind bending "facts' for all your life , from a little baby,effect our brains, and the way we carry on to think for the rest of our lives?Does our brian find a way to ciurcumnavigate round the things it no longer needs?And does any extra effort we would need "forget' our past hinder the performance of our minds?Is this what a mental breakdown is, where our brain can no longer cope and crashes like a dogy computer?I wonder.

    (Ok I admit it, I had only half a brian to start with)

  • Francois

    Just hang in for awhile. All that vaporous stuff the JW packed into your head will evaporate, like alcohol, and you'll get the other half of your brain back.

    But look on the bright side. If you're gonna argue with the JWs you don't need but half a brain anyway.


  • BadJerry

    Me thinks you give the WTS way too much credit...the last statement I recall from them on how much of our brain we use was about 1 percent (down from the 10 percent the psycho-scientists have claimed). So, that only accounts for point five (.005) percent or 1/200 of your brain affected. I'd suggest getting a bottle of Jack Daniels (or whatever your preference) and have a fun time killling off those brain cells. You'll have more than enough left over to get on with the rest of your life. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it....

  • Bodhisattva

    You do end up circumventing a lot of the Watchtower "facts." Better still, you are less likely to take things as incontrovertable truths -- this leads to openmindedness. As an added benefit, when a "fact" you are not too heavily invested in ends up changing, you do not need to tell yourself that there has been no change. Time formerly spent cognitive dissociating can be spent in other ways, such as in talking to neighbors about how to solve problems, rather than pushing a solution upon them, 32 pages at a time.

  • DJ

    Hi ((((((((((((((sleepy)))))))))))))))

    I do think that your desciption of what a mental breakdown pretty accurate! I can try to tell you what helped me. No we can't put the watchtower crap in in a jar!! LOL I do wish that it was that easy!! What helped me was re-filling my brain with the real meaning of the twisted meanings of the scriptures that we were all poisoned with. I agree with Francois that is will evaporate but for me, anyway, it didn't just evaporate on it's own without understanding what has happened and replacing the falseness with the true!! I can recommend a couple are really great, concise books to help you through this! They are both written by an xjw named David A. Reed and you can order them (cheap) through The titles are "Answering Jehovah's Witnesses Subject by Subject" and another called "Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse" These books are specifically written for us. They address the exact things that we were taught and help us to see why it is wrong. I wish the best for you!! Please take care and e-mail me anytime!! It was a difficult process for me to undo the lies that I was fed but well worth it in the long run. Love and best wishes, dj

  • Satanus

    On top of the brain parts that the wt used, add the fakeness in the world. IMO, there is much propaganda in the daily news, movies, some music. Some hypnotherapists have voiced the opinion that most people are in a permanent state of partial hypnosis. That has some good effects and some bad. One of the good results of this is that our societies are fairly cohesive. People in our countries think mainly as groups, and so it is possible for our govt and corporations to respond to and direct the groups to a certain extent. More violent natures are entertained w violent tv fantasies, which may very well have a mollifying effect on them.

    The bad side is that partially hypnotised people never truly be what they are. They never find and live their true nature.

    The way to freedom from this mass think, is to challenge/dissect all your beliefs, your whole world view. Cut out as much of the propaganda sources as possible. Start a daily pure meditation practice. Meditation will allow you to recognise even casual thoughts as being 'not you'. That is, your thoughts are not you. Are you ready for that? Timothy leary coined the phrase, 'turn on, tune in, drop out'.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 25 September 2002 13:35:36

    Edited by - saintsatan on 25 September 2002 13:47:22

  • ballistic

    The JWs like to tell us how we only use 1% of our brain capacity, so all should not be lost.

  • RunningMan

    As most of you know, the claim that we only use 10% of our brain is just a myth.

    However, the WT claim that only 0.1% or less (WT1985 jan 15, p17) is probably correct in their case. Anyone using more than 0.1% would never become a Witness in the first place.

  • ballistic

    Unfortunately, most people didn't choose to become one, they were brought up brainwashed with an Awake degree.

  • Carmel

    Hey thanks for connecting the dots for me. I was DF'd for essentially asking too many questions at the wrong times (in front of the congregation). Never thought that the real reason was that it challanged the notion of cerebral function. Guess when I went beyond the .005 % allowed, I was providing evidence that was contrary to their fantasy story about how much we use.

    On a side note, I recall asking about the use of the brain in several college classes from psychology to human physiology and noone had supporting evidence to back up the witlesses' claims.


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