What concerns Zechariah

by Zechariah 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    What concerns Zechariah?

    The abuses of the Watchtower Society in their misrepresenting both God and the Bible are many. We all seem to have come to that realization already to our benefit. What concerns me is that in the process of excaping the control of the WTS many of us are feeling or being pressured to feel that a relationship with God is no longer possible, necessary or desirable. The WTS has abused whatever authority they feel God has given them by the actions they have taken to attempt to cut people off from what they misrepresent as "Gods organization". Although no man has been authorized to cut people off (spiritual death) from God. By believing that a relationship with God is tied to a relationship to the organization many have believed the lie being spoken by false prophets that God and the Bible as his inspired word does not exist or cannot be trusted. By their allowing themselves to believe this they in effect commit spiritual suicide that they can't even blame on the WTS.

    Although Christ desired christians to meet together with others of like faith as many of us do here he never intended our relationship with him to be a joint one with any organization of group. The Bible says "Some say I belong to Paul and some to Apollos. We all belong to Christ." The success of our future lives depends of our knowing and trusting only in God (the creator by any name). Abandon the WTS yes. But continue to trust in God for your everlasting benefit. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


  • ozziepost

    Welcome Zechariah.

    For a newbie you've posted a very thoughtful post to start with. Thanks.

    I can only support your concerns. Unfortunately its all part of the W/T conditioning that people are blind to the fact that they don't have to go anywhere else. They already know Jesus Christ. Build a relationship with him. How? By confessing that we are born in sin and he came into the world and was crucified for our sins. That is, not someone else's sins, but ours. Once we get that in our thick skulls, we're nearly there.


  • Fredhall

    If you guys don't like the Watchtower, then don't read it. ASSES!!

  • Prisca

    Great post Zechariah! And welcome to the board

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