My beef re disfellowshipping..

by Marilyn 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    I was disfellowshipped over 20 years ago for leaving quietly. No arguments, no fuss, I just wanted to leave. I have been shunned by many family members all these years. So why, in country after country does the WTS not disfellowship child molesters? We aren't talking isolated cases here. The Society has consistently turned a blind eye to child molesters. So the obvious thing for anyone wanting to exit the Troof is to confess to interferring with kids. That way you can leave without having your name blackened or being "cut off " from your family.

    Am I right or am I right?


  • YoursChelbie


    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 23 September 2002 0:6:15

  • Gopher


    I think your logic about getting free by "confessing to interfering with kids" would apply if you confess and then intend to "stay in" as a member. But if you confess and then try to slip away, that's something they likely would not ignore.

    Anyone who tries to fade away like you did (whether they are guilty or not) is in for a hard time from the WT organization, IMHO. They'll try to corner you and denounce you.

  • Marilyn

    Yeah, I see your point. It's the *leaving* that's the naughty deed. It's so weird isn't it? Waking up is the biggist sin of all. Everything else can be handled. But if you wake up, you take away all their power. Then they employ their final act of power over you by taking away your family. Neat isn't it? So clever of them really.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Its because the WT is a "Pedophile Paradise".


  • buffy

    I asked my active JW mother the same question. I got disfellowshipped for having pre-marital sex and yet a child molestor has the congregation's backing. I DON'T THINK SO. How in the hell is my sin worse than a child molestor's. She said that if he's repentant they have no choice but to accept him back. Bull shit. I can't believe that you can rape a child then say "I'm sorry it'll never happen again, forgive me" and all is forgiven. The entire congregation can socialize and talk to a molestor but not to me. F#@$ THAT!!!!!


  • MikeMusto

    "Where knowledge is the unforgivable sin"


  • blindfool

    Not every sin is forgiven just for the asking. Like Buffy, my niece was disfellowshipped for a "sin of the flesh.". She's been going to meetings, begging forgiveness, even married the man she "sinned" with. No one is in much of a hurry to reinstate her. Last I heard they wanted more time.

    It seems these elders have no clue. Molest a child: Jehovah will take care of it in due time. Sleep with the person your in love with: SEE 'YA !!!

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