Letter to Presiding Overseer

by DevonMcBride 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • DevonMcBride

    A non-Witness friend of mine sent the following letter to the local Kingdom hall in her area. This should send a strong message to the elders on how the public feels.


    Dear Mr. XXXXX,

    My name is XXXXX and I live in the Brookwood Gardens development which consists of 125 houses and happens to be in your Kingdom Halls territory. My development consists of homeowners of all faiths. I am a Catholic and wish to stay that way. With an increase in number of Jehovahs Witnesses evangelizing in this neighborhood, the majority of the people living here got together and took it upon ourselves to research your religion. You can only imagine what we have learned.

    If you want members of your congregation to see Watchtower publications consisting of the many false predictions, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members of your religion to see all of the newspaper articles showing how the Watchtower Society covers up child abuse to protect their image and not children, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members of your congregation to see undeniable proof that the Watchtower owns 50% stock in a company that produces Smart Bombs and sells them to the United States military, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members of your congregation to learn of the Watchtowers involvement with the United Nations, and that their library excuse is a lie, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members of your congregation to learn about how the Jehovahs Witnesses bribed the Mexican military, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members to see photos (on Kodak paper) of C.T. Russells grave with a pyramid, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    If you want members of your congregation to learn of Beth Sarim, Beth Shan, and other changed history, please send them to Brookwood Gardens.

    As I write this letter, I am still learning more about your religion. We are also in touch with 3 other developments, sharing this vital information.



  • Preston

    Very well done, this is one of the best letters I have read. I'll seriously write something like this if I ever get harrassed by the JW's again...

  • Mimilly

    Ouch! That's gonna hurt them. (snicker...giggle)

    Bravo. Now it's comin at them from all sides.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Now THIS I really like

    Just might start my own campaign - one street at a time

    I might actually get to enjoy the door-to-door work

  • outnfree

    WONDERFUL, Devon!

    What a great idea your friend had! Makes me want to attend my first subdivision meeting (after living here 9 years and ignoring all of them!) -- lol.

    Maybe some entrepreneur will make an information kit including all of the referenced information for distribution to like-minded citizens?


  • Wolfgirl

    That's great!

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    That was just a really, Really, REALLY GOOD LETTER!

    outnfree said:

    Maybe some entrepreneur will make an information kit including all of the referenced information for distribution to like-minded citizens?

    I'll try to work on posting Watchtower Quotes and the Proof about the U.N. and Navy connections very soon.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I know that info has already been posted on this Site, but I'm gonna try and make it all on one Thread.

  • deddaisy

    how cool is that!

    a good friend who lives out of state was telling me that she actually had more witnesses knocking on her door after Dateline. I guess one "brother" was determined to keep her as a return visit ! anyway, she ended up making copies of the UN fiasco and now when the witnesses call on her she tells that she'll be more than happy to read their literature if they'll read her's ! Last I talked to her she said she was going to make copies for a few of her neighbors to give to Witnesses that come calling. She also read about the "Stratton, Ohio" decision and is interested in putting together a "packet" to send to each Stratton resident. Afterall, Stratton residents have the same rights as the JWs and the residents could exercise "their" rights by handing out their literature to the JWs ! It would enlighten both parties !

    Thank you Watchtower for bringing your members right to our door so that they may be enlightened regarding THEIR religion !

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