Questionairre !!!!

by johnathanseagull 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnathanseagull

    Hmmmmm ok had a lil ole too many red wines here but:.........what really pisses you off about your Jw family? are mine in reverse order:

    In 3rd Place - they build up a wall as soon as you start to question their org

    2nd - they look at you as almost "Satan" like.....and..........

    wait for it.........and the winner is:





    1st - their total lack of compassion for anyone/thing outside of the org

  • pettygrudger

    My biggest gripe would have to honestly be their policies on child abuse - that was my biggest obstacle to overcome after leaving.

    Second, their ability to shut off any feeling for you - I have never met a more emotionally closed off group of people in my life. They can treat you as "dead" with almost joy at serving god.

    Third, the way they still show up at my door on Saturday mornings when I'm trying to sleep in (an now the letters & phone calls I'm receiving as well!!!)

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Just about everything concerning the JW's can irritate the heck out of me...even moreso, this pedophile sickness.


  • els

    The thing that pissed me off the most ever was when my older brother got reinstated and then showed up at my house to tell me I should come back to meetings. This is the brother that drank like a fish for years, emotionally abused his wife, was hardly aware of his children and caused our parents all kinds of heartache. When I was a teenager I used to go to his favorite bar after school and drink beer and play pool with him, which he never ratted me out for. But when I was engaged, my fiancee would stop where I worked and we would walk 50 feet down the street to have lunch and walk back. He found out through his wife who worked with me and he told the elders. This was when he was disfellowshipped and I was a witness in good standing. I got counseled for going without a chaperone. So years later his wife finally leaves him for good and he decides to quit drinking and ends up in rehab. During this time he asked to see me so I went and visited him. I even went late at night, it was 1and a half hours away to get him because his father in law was dying and he wanted to see him. Six months later he is reinstated and has the nerve to come preaching to me.
    Wow, that was more than I meant to say, guess I'm still a little angry. els

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