UPDATE on my brother in jail - bad news

by TTBoy 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TTBoy

    For those who care.........my borther's lawyers had to go to an appelate court to try to get my brother out of jail. The judge is refusing to even acknowedge their motion to get him out. The appealate court said ok but the county Sherrif has to OK it. I don't really understand all of that but the lawyers visited my brother.

    The key witness against my brother (as I mentioned in the last thread, had a huge rap sheet) I find out that this person has yet ANOTHER drug possession charge earlier this year.

    The reason why my brother is in jail is because he's going to trial and the judge doesn't like that because it costs the county money. From what the lawyers told him she was supposed to have a hearing on his contempt of court charge. She didn't have any hearing and just threw him in jail anyway. Aren't Judges supposed to follow the law? I'm waiting to talk to the lawyers and see if this can be proven. If so I'm going to one of the local news stations who do the pressure tactics and expose injustices.

    This judge also doesn't like the fact that his lawyers went above her to an appelate court to get him out. The sherrifs department has a week to answer the rulling of the appeals court. So he's gona be in there for another week especially since the judge doesn't like him.

    To say I'm pissed is an understatement. He's inproperly incarcerated, at a cost of $50 dollars a day, ( yes in Cleveland you ACTUALLY HAVE TO PAY to be in jail ) while:

    1. Some convicted criminal who was a witness never showed up to court numerous times and my brother did.

    2. Said criminal was supposed to go to jail but for some reason the courts said no because he's supposed to rat someone out.

    3. A judge didn't follow the law.

    4. Neither this judge or the state, city whoever can be sued!!!!!

    5. This convicted criminal is FREE probobly partying and my brother is sitting in jail!

    Man i'm f'n pissed!

  • nilfun

    I'm sorry this is happening to your brother. This has to be a very stressful time for you all. Here's hoping you, your family, and your brother can hang in there while his lawyers work on his behalf.

  • Simon

    That doesn't sound at all fair !?!

    Hope it works out ok.

  • kelpie

    This is sad. Justice is never fair.. Believe me!!

    I hope by this time he is out of jail

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