Sacred= ?

by happysunshine 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • happysunshine

    What's sacred to you? What form/function does it take in your life? -J

    Edited by - happysunshine on 18 September 2002 23:37:50

  • Scorpion

    I think most everyone holds different things sacred. This does not necessarily mean that they are sacred. For instance, the Mormon church holds the temple ceremonies sacred. To those outside the LDS faith, the ceremonies are nothing more than secret, there is a difference. I have seen the temple ceremonies on tape and read two manuscripts of what goes on inside besides knowing a few ex-temple Mormons. What goes on inside the ceremonies to the Mormon may be sacred, but to the one examining this outside the faith would look at it as a secret ceremony that basically accomplishes nothing.

    I am not sure if this answers any of your question. I am not really sure what you are asking.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    There are several definitions to the word "Sacred". The universal one, if you will, is:

    'entitled to reverence or respect'

    I think society itself has blurred reverence for anything and up until 9/11 respect seem to be placed on overpaid sports/movie/or rock celebrities. But that is generally speaking.

    I come from a generation where we were taught early on to respect and have reverence for certain ideas, things, people, etc. I just think that is lacking now and up until a year ago it wasn't really P.C. {{{ just some of my thoughts }}}

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The wtbts will likely confuse the meaning of 'sacred' with that of 'possession' (which is babylon). It is the typical thing, that they are anti, or opposite.

    What is sacred to them is what they do not will in any way to give up - possession.

    Sacred is that song that just 'does it' for us, or that beautiful time you just can't forget - it is that spiritual beauty that we seem to touch sometimes.

    What it isn't is the guarded possession - but to some it might be - if indeed you live in babylon.


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