Dating portrayed as a sin

by asensier 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asensier
    Some of you may have read my post under the subcategory 'Dating and Relationships' entitled 'Disfellowshipped at 18.'
    I have recently started to produce a blog to share my story and would really appreciate your support. If you are a user of Wordpress, please follow and reblog. If not, please take a read anyway!
    Thanks all x
  • KateWild

    I have read your first part the you wrote this morning. Looking forward to the rest. It's cathartic to get it out. I made a DVD and recorded my JC, if you want to see the youtube send me a pm and I will send you the link

    Kate xx

  • oppostate


    I visited your blog. I think is a great idea and could help you sort out your feelings through all that's happened. Being able to sto and think then write down your thoughts is a therapeutic act all of itself.

    Also, blogs like yours may help other victims of WT intolerance to find comfort and support. so you could feel good that sharing may help others as well.

  • Vidiot
    See my post on your other thread.
  • Crazyguy
    Don't you know dating is a sin. Your supposed to find the woman you want, rape her pay off the father with a silver coin and make her your wife.

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