by ARoarer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    Our lawyer contacted us to let us know the Appeal Committee phoned her to let her know that they were upholding the decision to disfellowship us for "apostasy". The elder also stated that we may "qualify for re-instatement after performing certain acts--which we are aware of". Eww, sounds kind of seamy to me.

    Edited by - ARoarer on 18 September 2002 0:44:35

    Edited by - ARoarer on 19 September 2002 14:55:6

  • minimus

    so what are you paying your lawyer for?

  • scumrat

    Just like those stupid Dubs.

    They don't realize that on 9/27/02 a judicial hearing will be held at 25 columbia heights, and the real apostates will be exposed for the world to see.

  • ARoarer

    I know they have wanted to make the announement for a long time, and I am sure they probably did tonight at their Tuesday meeting. They are making it official to shun us even though they have been doing it for a couple of years since we spoke out against sexual abuse in thier organization. It was our question of faith within our hearts to not remain in agreement with them when it came to protecting the identity of pedophiles within the congregation, and participating in shunning any victim who spoke about it. Our conscience did not allow for following Watchtower's abuse of power regarding abuse within. Sexual abuse exists within the families of Jehovah's Witnesses and within the congregations of he Watchtower because it is allowed to exist. Thier primitive attitudes have cause abuse to florish. My family could no longer submit ourselves to such cruel rules within this religious community,. and so we chose to shun thier rules. We spoke out, in behalf of victims, we stood up for what was right in the face of being shunned by those we cared about. But it was a question of faith in our hearts not to condone abuse and allow it to grow. Watchtower will continue to be plagued by sexual abuse for as long as it seeks to impose rules that hide it's existance. The leadership wields it's power as does any other abuser so that it's collective many can say to us "you have been judged by our rules and interprtations". They don't acknowlege according to thier rules that it was we who judged them as being unworthy of our faithfulness to thier abusive teachings and falsehoods. To go along with thier behavior was a conflict of faith and conscience. I am glad inside to be able to say with sureness and conviction that they have no truth within this relgious community. It took the sexual abuse and the trauma that followed to open our eyes and do the research into this false religion that absuses it's members, and stifles them into intolerant, ignorant, and grossly misled people. It feels so good to be free of such mental, and spiritual enslavement.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Very well said, ARoarer.

  • ozziepost
    so we chose to shun thier rules.

    Well put, ARoarer. That's food for thought. Thanks.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ARoarer

    Thanks Sam and Ozzie. Even though I am glad to be free of this religion and it's spiritual abuse and enslaving lies, I feel a little depressed and let down because the announcement of our disfellowshipment and the label of "apostasy" is perpetrative and enabled by those who believe Watchtower and carry out thier false teachings. If I run into these people at a Mall or in any other public place, I can only view them as any other person who would cause harm to me and my family in some sort of deranged way. I would avoid them and not give them permission to carry out thier perpetrating actions that they are even expected to do with thier own family members. So un-natural as it is.

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