I'm going to a birthday party!

by glitter 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    My mum's best friend's daughter's 18th in November, and I'm definitely going and my sister probably is (she's out at the moment)! She didn't have a birthday party until this one because with me and my little sis being JW it meant two less people to go (we're more family than friends) so she missed out on birthday parties too and she wasn't even JW!

    I just need to think of the perfect present to make up for all those years.

    It official that I'm not a JW now if I go and it's a bit scary because 100% not wanting to be a JW has happened so suddenly (after finding everything out about the scandals, I was about 90% out before) - I didn't celebrate my birthday in June and I didn't celebrate my friend's birthday the week after and now I can't wait for Christmas and for June to roll around again.

    I'm so excited!!!

  • Jesika

    Have a great time!!!!!!!!!! I think the best present you could give is being there!!!!!!!!!! and enjoying it with noooooooooooo guilt!!!!!! Enjoy!!!

  • joannadandy

    I love posts like this!

    Thanks for sharing Glitter, you are going to have a ball! And don't worry I am sure you will come up with a great present, and no matter what it will mean a lot to your friend because it is from you, and the signifcance of it is obvious and very touching!

    Have fun!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    love posts like this!

    Me too. I get excited for you...kind of like watching a kid's first Christmas...by the way...go ahead and celebrate you belated birthday...why not?

  • DJ

    Oh Glitter....how absolutely aborable you are! Have a wonderful time! I hope you have the best time of your life. I remember celebrating my daughter's birthday for the first time. I had no guilt but it did feel a little weird being soFREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! luv,dj

  • ISP

    Have a good one!


  • Dutchie

    It does feel a little wierd at first, but then you quickly get into the whole party thing.

    Decorating, buying presents, wrapping them beautifully. It's all part of the celebration of life.

    What could be wrong with that?

  • glitter

    My sister came home and I told her and she said she definitely wants to go! Mum says she can't come though, but I hope she does. She's not being funny about us going at all!

    I don't know if I can sing Happy Birthday though, or even say it, it might be *too* too weird to do that.

  • DJ


    Of course you can sing Happy Birthday! Think about it....what are you going to do? I suppose you could just stand there with a stupid fake smile on your face....or you could pretend to have to use the bathroom>very suspicious. Maybe you could get full of fear and put on an angry face>why go then?

    Seriously, I had those initial jitters as well BUT there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the words to Happy Birthday. Actually the silly lyrics are a bit on the drab side. You have nothing to worry about! Except of course the blowing out of candles and making a wish to some fairy. I have to admit, in my house we skip that part....the wish...(.not the candles).........we say a prayer instead, thanking God for the person to love.

    It is just plain fun to show someone love. There is no LAW agaginst love......have fun.. dj

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Have a great time!

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