Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse

by Richard_I 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • ToesUp

    Worried much Tony? Like someone said, if it wasn't a huge problem, they would not mention it. It is having a huge impact along with:

    1. Decrease in Donations.

    2. Brothers not reaching out.

    3. Young ones holding back on baptism.

    4. People dropping like flies (the reason for the Come back to Jehovah brochure)

    5. Pedophile issues.

    I know that we are excited to hear them discuss these issues. It means they are very worried. As they should be!!!

  • freemindfade
    Did you read my explanation for this odd old PSA? I think this abuse storm has been brewing for a while, and I don't think their intention was ever for anyone to see or care about that PSA. It is a business/legal CYA move. If they had promoted it to us back then it may have seemed strange, but now, in retrospect, there is a record of them doing something proactive even though virtually no one in org ever knew it or saw it. The legal team's work I believe. Preparing for the future ass kicking they were sure to get, to give something defensible.
  • Oubliette

    FMF, yes I read your post about the PSA. I think you're right about it being purely a preemptive legal move back in the day, a CYAPSA!

    That's exactly why I asked if anyone ever saw it. I don't know anyone that did. Nevertheless, and as I pointed out above, that PSA is NOT about the real problem of PEDOPHILES WITHIN THE CONGREGATIONS and the WT POLICIES THAT SUPPORT THEM.

    I remember back in the late '80s - early '90s when the Catholic church's problem with pedophiles was coming to light. All of us JWs were gloating, "See that proves they're a false religion. We don't have a problem like that!"

    Well guess what. JWs have exactly the same problem: pedophiles in their midst, often men with positions of authority and responsibility, and a culture of denial and covering up by the leaders of the religion.

    Can you say, "Hypocrites"? I know you can!

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Richard_I

    Full transcript:

    "The Governing Body has also asked me address another topic that I must say hits me close to my heart, being a father who raised two boys. The subject is the abuse of children, and the damaging effects this can have on such innocent victims. As an organization, we view all such abuse of children, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, as deplorable.

    As you likely know, Jehovah's Witnesses take a stronger position than most on the scriptural inappropriateness of any form of immorality. However, to take advantage of innocent young ones is absolutely despicable. As a religious organization, we have taken a decisive stand against such behavior. It is our fervent desire to protect children from any kind of abuse. Our policy as an organization is that one professing to be a victim (or his parents) should never be discouraged from reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities. While child abuse as been perpetrated earth wide in many cultures for thousands of years, it is only in the past 40 years or so that the magnitude and extent of the problem has become better known. This is because governmental agencies are now determined to take a more active interest in these problems. Laws were enacted requiring medical and other professionals to report cases to authorities when they became aware of them. Prior to that time, many governmental, educational, and religious organizations were somewhat naive about the magnitude and the complexity of the situation. Others knew of the problem and covered it up. What is our position, then, as an organization?

    When what was termed as the "new morality" became popular over 50 years ago, which included sexual relations among young ones, we condemned such behavior based on the Bible's unerring and timeless principles. As the awareness of child abuse became more and more known, we published a landmark Awake! magazine over 30 years ago. It was the issue of June 22, 1982. There are five article titles that nail the subject in a very straightforward manner. The first article was entitled "The New Morality". Then, "Chickens and Hawks" was the second article. It warned about homosexual men who prey on and advocate the right to use boys for sex. Shame on them. The next article, "Baby Pros and Kiddy Porn", condemned prostitute rings that employed small girls in an array of abuse. Then "Rape at Home"... No further explanation needed on that. Then finally the article "To End Child Abuse". I remember this magazine well since I had two boys who were in elementary school at the time. And again remember that the world in general was somewhat naive about the magnitude of this issue and the gravity of the problem. I read the five articles, then I looked at my two boys, and I said a prayer to Jehovah, thanking him for moving the organization to be so proactive in trying to help parents to protect their young ones from the plague of the "new morality" and the abuse of children. This issue has been straightforwardly addressed in print many time since then.

    I'd now like you to view a PSA. What is a PSA? It stands for "public service announcement." It is a message of public interest which is aired by the media without charge. The objective is to raise awareness about changing public attitudes and behavior towards the social issue. Television stations are not obligated to play all such 30 to 60 second messages provided. However, if the topic and production values captures their attention, they can choose to air the PSA for the benefit of the viewing audience. In the late 1990's, the Governing Body approved four PSAs on the subject of family life. I'd like to show you one of these that was produced back in 2002. It was picked up and aired by some of the largest TV networks in the United States. Why? Because they realized this type of warning was important for their viewing audience to see. It is true, the type of computer equipment shown in the video dates it. However, the message is just a pertinent now as then, and maybe even more so. Please watch.

    [shows video]

    While we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization. We are proud of our reputation in this regard and we look forward to the time in God's new world when no one, young or old, will ever again be a victim of abuse. Since the latter part of our discussion has addressed what Jehovah's organization has done to protect children from predators, it gives me great pleasure to release at this time another animated video in the series "Become Jehovah's Friend." It is entitled "Protect Your Children."

    [shows video]

    We’re happy to see how Jehovah’s organization continues to teach our young ones how to make wise choices when the figurative monsters of this world try to lure them into their traps. You parents should be commended for your tireless efforts to protect your children."

  • wifibandit
  • Finkelstein

    The child abuse comments start at 42 min. and that is where the lying and bullshitting starts. He says the organization has never discouraged possible victims to report the matter to the local authorities which is known be an outright lie.

    This religious organization has been concealing these situations just like other religious institutions like the Catholics for example.

    This organization has made a prodigious effort to keep these situations internal as an attempted effort to support the outward image of itself toward the public.

    The core problem lies also in the fact that pedophilia has been recognized as just another act of sexual misconduct and has been treated as such, like fornication or adultery, in spite of pedophilia being an unlawful crime in most countries.

  • freemindfade

    WTBTS Blame decision tree

    1. Satan
    2. Women
    3. Homosexuals

    I guess satan is the fail safe for all blame, if it wasn't a homosexual, or a woman, well... Satan.

  • Finkelstein

    So Anthony Morris should now be recognized as the WTS's chief lying propagandists.

    If the GB and AM is so disgusted and strongly advocated to protect children, why did the GB just release a letter to all congregations to only report child abuse situations when required to do so by law ????

    The intimidation by elders to not approach these situations to the police authorities is and has been well documented.

    This entailing concealment was never truthful spoken about by Morris's white washing of the matter.

    Sadly most JWS will buy into this lying mis-informative bullshtter and many elders will know that his talk is half truthed bullshit.

  • sir82

    Reading the transcript, it is clear that it was written, or at the very least heavily edited, by WT legal.

    3+ syllable words are not part of AMIII's everyday vocabulary.

  • Finkelstein

    Right sir82 you can be best assured that the WTS's legal departmental screened this talk with a fine tooth comb.

    In actuality this talk can now be used by the law courts to show the organization's own attempted cover up, particularly when he stated the organization never discouraged the intervention of outside police authorities.

    Well what do you expect from an organization that was built on lies and deceptions, to be unrestrainedly honest ?

    To show a righteous pretentious face you have to lie and thats what the leaders of this organization have been doing for a very long time. One might describe it has self preservation.

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