Untrained clergy=JW elders confidentiality- Laws?

by Cappuccino OC 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    The Paducah Sun on 1-28-01 stated: (enfasis is mine):

    Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy, might err in their application of a policy both believe puts protecting children first.

    "It's a matter of trying to balance confidentialityand protecting the child," Brown said. "It's not always easy. Have mistakes been made? Very likely, they have........"

    Do elders get an "Elders Untrained Clergy Degree?"

    If they are "untrained" why should they deserve to have the same conifentiality like Catholic Priests for confessions? They shouldn't.

    In addition how do they define PROTECTING THE CHILD? A Kangaroo court does not cut it. It doesnot protect the children. This has been proven in many cases. It only protects them & their name.

    Changes need to be done. ASAP. They are trying to hide by using a 'church' coverup. State laws need to be changed to protect the children.

    What is your input?

  • searcher
    If they are "untrained" why should they deserve to have the same conifentiality like Catholic Priests for confessions?

    Legaly they don't.

    If you read the exemption rule, in ALL cases of exemption from reporting it states

    Priest and PENETANT.

    Not Priest and VICTIM.

    I am surprised more is not made of this in court.


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hi searcher,

    Thanks for your info. Where can I get a copy of the exemption rules? If it hasn't come up in court maybe ex-JW's should contact the attorneys, who are taking the WTS to court, not being JW's they might not understand all the ins & outs of JW's but with some 'help' they might understand it better by giving them the winning edge.


  • JT

    Just remember you are flying from LAX to National in Wash DC and as you are being pushed away from the gate a voice comes over the PA and announces,

    "This is your flight crew for today allow me to introduce you to Ralph, Fred and Willie we are "Untrained Volunteer Pilots "

    now don't you just feel like you are in Good Hands- smile

  • JT

    just imagine all these groups claiming what wt is claiming:

    volunteer and are essentially untrained police

    volunteer and are essentially untrained lawyer

    volunteer and are essentially untrained dentist

    volunteer and are essentially untrained surgeon

    volunteer and are essentially untrained nuclear engineer

    volunteer and are essentially untrained school teacher

    wt has no idea of how stupid JR Brown makes them look

  • Scully

    JT as per usual makes an excellent point.

    When I was in Nurses Training, I was not permitted to perform ANY patient care without the supervision of my professor/instructor or an experienced nurse.

    Even now, if there are procedures I am unfamiliar with, I am required BY LAW to seek out someone more experienced. Doctors and nurses both train by the "See one, Do one, Teach one" method. It works. Too bad the WTS doesn't follow this example.

    Love, Scully

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    JT The flight example is SCARRRRY. How did I ever let the "untrained Clergy" brain wash me?

    I'm glad I'm out.


  • ChristianObserver

    Searcher, your observation is the same as mine :o)

    If the abuser goes to the clergy and confesses, there are privileges of confidentiality in some places.

    However, if the abused goes to the clergy, it would seem that there is mandatory reporting in some states and the elders/WTBTS cannot claim *ecclesial privilege* - they are legally required to report.

    I agree that there might be some mileage in pursuing that line which seems to me to be misunderstood by some Witnesses *in authority*.

    There is, as well, an inconsistency in the way abused minors may be treated from state to state, and country to country. One would have thought that an organisation which purports to have the protection of the children as its priority would, therefore, adhere to manadatory reporting. To do otherwise, imo, makes a nonsense of its claim about protecting children.

    In which way can they substantiate their statement about child protection if they do not adhere to mandatory reporting? Imo, they cannot substantiate that claim without it.

  • JT

    thanks for the comments, but i guess what is so sad is just the mere lack of qualifications

    when you consider the educational level of the avg jw around the world i would dare say you may not have more than 9TH GRADE LEVEL- when you consider how many males in latin america and africa and other third world countries, Damn i can go back to NC where I'm from and we had elders who could not read-

    to try and compare a jw elder to the men of old is a joke for the men of never were asked to offer and advise on the issues that jw elders are told they are qualified to advise on

    jw elders give marital, career, medical and finanical advice all the time-

    you have a elder who works part-time at the local PIC-PAY shoe store, another at NTW Tire Company changing steel belted radials tires for a living and another who works at Pigley Wiggley stocking shelves at night so he can pioneer in the day-

    WHAT THE HELL NOW QUALIFIES THESE GUYS TO conduct a through child abuse investigation?

    as OC said: How did I ever let the "untrained Clergy" brain wash me?

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Christian observer mentioned *ecclesial privilege*. Why would the JW's be able to use this ecclesial privilege if they are untrained? Where is their degree? They should be able to 'take full responsiblity' for the abuse cases due to the WTS lack of training their "clergy".


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