Getting the Quotes out!!!

by Beans 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beans

    As the marketing department here at is looking for new ideas every week to get the good word out in every way possible, we would like to take this oppourtunity to ask everyone to send there loved ones this great link.

    As Brother Quotes keeps plugging away making our web site more and more informative every month there is so much spiritual food for us all to digest, lets get the good word out and be diligent!


  • Preston

    Here is a suggestion, and I've been dying to say it ever since a sincere x-JW posted some pictures of Quotes from the Apostofest up in Canada. Here is is....Could he post some sexy pics of himself in some Calvin Klien poses? that would be sweet!

  • Beans


    Quotes does have some leather gear, will that do? I will ask him to post some pics for ya and you can see the big Canadian Oak showing his stuff off!


    Canadian Overbeer

  • jgnat

    I have some advice (I am better at this than that than providing actual assistance). There is this lovely utility at some sites with great photos or quotes, that allow readers to "sent a postcard to a friend". The readers can forward the e-postcard by filling in a form, while conveniently providing you with a potential mailing list.

    What if you had a "quote of the week" or "quote of the month", with a button - send this quote to a friend?

    Great site, by the way.

  • FreeWilly

    I love the concept of!

    I would love to see JW teachings/errors arranger statistically. For example..

    "WT has predicted the end of the world X____ times" (Link)

    "WT has predicted and now abandoned X____ of key dates.

    The Blood policy had been modified x___ times (Link)

    The prophecy in Daniel has had X_____ of revisions (Link)

    It has been reported that there are 23000 Child molestors on file at WT! (Link)

  • Beans

    Excellent points Willy, the day that happens..................................................


    Canadian Overbeer

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