This just happened within last 15 mins......

by Lied2NoMore 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lied2NoMore
    i saw an Instagram post showing a short clip of a talk being given in one of our southern states. The talk clip showed speaker making the statement, "Jehovah doesn't want anyone to know Satans real name, Jehovah hates Satan so much, he doesn't even want his name mentioned"
    I posted in comments: Matt 5:44-48 with the full scripture rendered from NIV.
    the post was quickly removed and minutes later the Instagram user blocked me from seeing their posts.
    The user? My SIL,
    the speaker? My little brother. I guess "Imitate Jesus" allows you to dismiss what he says in favor of what Watchtower tells you.
    I'm home safely 90 miles away from the convention my wife and children are at now. Had a much more fulfilling productive day than sitting for 7 hours listening to that crap.
  • purrpurr
    "He who shall not be named" heheehee!
  • coalize
    "Jehovah doesn't want anyone to know Satans real name"

    Another very biblical statement!

    Where they find all this crapy sentences? Deep in a horse asshole?

  • Splash

    For such a leaky belief system they need constant reassurance, not another hole to patch up.

    When it's impossible to 'give an answer', the only course left is to pretend you were never asked a question in the first place.

  • Lied2NoMore

    My SIL is the epitome of the uber indoctrinated JW. She has such a glassy eyed crazed look on her face all the time, I used to swear she was possessed by demons before I realized they don't exist.

    They are the uber pioneers, brother has been an elder for years, with a large sub-following of other crazy mentally fragile cultists-in-training, they will never wake up.

  • sparrowdown

    L2NM - your description of your SIL sounds familiar, I'd say there's at least one sister that fits that description in every congregation. The one I know calls her collection of "fragile cultists-in-training" her "lame ducks" and boy, does she know how to attract them.

    Satan's name?? WTH!

  • RichardHaley
    Nor the names of the rest of the supposed angles.... good and bad.
  • Heaven

    Sooo... Satan's real name is Voldermort?

  • coalize

    And then the angels don't have sex but have names?

    All male name!

    A woman can't be an angel ?

  • The1975Blues
    How do we know his name is not Satan? There's no evidence God has changed Satan's name, over time it's taken on a negative connotation like residents of Crete can attest to. These claims made by the Watchtower Branch near "Bull Shit Mountain" can't prove anything they say!

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