More from Brother and Dad

by Trauma_Hound 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    I'll reply under select comments of yours. My comments will be proceeded
    by - and end with ** :

    -----Original Message-----
    From: ********

    Sent: *******
    To: *********
    Subject: RE: A reminder!

    Once again you are missing the point C****.

    -I'm not missing any points. I just don't agree with yours. **

    That wolves could and would
    enter into the Christian Congregation was prophesied by Christ. The
    organization is not immune to this, and, change in the organization
    from "on high" not from below.
    History has shown that the Governing Body
    does not respond to pressure from below, or even a minority opinion on
    Body itself.

    -Since when did someone's not changing due to pressure free a Christian
    from publicly denouncing falsities committed in Jehovah's name? Did the
    prophets say, "oh the bad king will never change so I won't prophesy
    against him anymore", or did the society themselves say, "oh well false
    religion and Christendom will never change so we won't bother lambasting
    them in the Watchtower anymore."? **

    The responsibility for how one would act belongs on the head of
    the person involved. I do not take any responsibility for teachings or
    "rules" set forth by the Society because I have no power to change them.

    -The point YOU are missing is that I personally (can't talk for charley)
    don't expect you to have the power to change them. This whole thread
    started because G*** and S**** sent an email reminding me to sit back
    and wait on Jehovah. You got involved for some unknown reason and
    decided to take my reply to them personally. My reply was to them and
    it was only to establish the fact that I personally do not feel the need
    to take a sit back and wait on Jehovah approach since I feel
    responsibility to speak out against injustices if they are occurring in
    Jehovah's name. That DOES not mean I EXPECT YOU to feel the same way.
    IT DOES mean that I expect you to respect MY position. Now I personally
    may not have power to do much either... right now. As you state, I do
    not know these individuals personally. I also do not know they other
    people involved in this "silent lambs" organization, nor the type of
    people they are. Thus, I keep my distance until I have satisfied myself
    as to the type of people they really are. That strong evidence exists
    that something terrible has been happening is obvious to anyone who
    examines the evidence. However, just because the society may be doing
    something very wrong doesn't immediately make the other side as innocent
    as doves. My stand is not to get actively involved in any "side" or
    "group", it is to speak out against any injustice that is REAL and
    EVIDENT when it is necessary or appropriate for me to do so. That is I
    stand ready to add my voice instead of sitting back and expecting
    Jehovah to do everything. Remember, the Israelite men were warriors
    ready to go into battle for Jehovah. Many of them died doing so. They
    did not say, "I will not go into battle for Jehovah because he will
    handle it." They were ready and willing to be his tools, and so am I.
    True christians offer themselves freely as instruments of god to not
    only Preach his word but to speak out against those who defame his name.
    Were we not all taught to speak out boldly against false religion? Does
    not that same principle apply when the society does something wrong? Or
    is there somehow a double standard? The responsibility to speak out, or
    be ready to belongs to anyone seeing or aware of wrong doing. Where in
    the bible does it state that responsibility belongs only to those
    involved? **

    That these ones don't have the strength of will to do the
    right thing is truly sad, because that is what we are taught from the
    that we need to build a strong character.

    -It may be what we are taught in the bible but it is not what we are
    taught from the society. We are taught to be meek and humble and accept
    anything that the society does as coming from God above. We both know
    that the elder manual clearly states that anyone who disagrees with
    "truth" as presented by the watchtower can be disfellowshiped. This is
    the atmosphere in which we have been brought up. We are constantly
    taught not to question the teachings or actions of the governing body
    and just "wait on Jehovah". However, as you stated we all have our own
    PERSONAL relationship with Jehovah and thus a responsibility falls on
    each of us PERSONALLY to deal with in the manner that our own conscience
    would have us act. So, I agree that no one should tell YOU how to
    respond, so please don't try to tell ME how I should respond. **

    The responsibility then falls on each of us to build
    individual relationships with Jehovah and Christ.

    -I completely agree.

    Those on the Governing Body have enough scriptural learning to be
    responsible for their own actions. If they are doing wrong, and it is
    publicly exposed, then time will tell where their hearts are. Will my
    standing up and condemning them with out the full facts in the case
    me to Jehovah, even if, by luck, I turn out to be right?

    -I agree that if you don't have the full facts you should be hesitant
    and cautious. However, what if you did have the full facts? What would
    you do then? What if the full facts were available to you? Remember
    that scripturally there must be at LEAST two witnesses against a person
    to make a case against them before the congregation. Well, what if
    there were literally thousands of witnesses? Are all of these people
    liars and simply making it all up? Was this some grand conspiracy
    plotted out and organized just to slander the JW's? before you come to
    a conclusion, try doing some research. How would you feel about
    speaking out when you DID have the full facts and they showed a major
    injustice occurring in Jehovah's name? I do not ask you this because I
    EXPECT you to do anything. I ask it just to get you to at least ask
    yourself questions that may have an impact on your point of view.
    Ultimately what anyone does is their own choice based on their own
    conscience. My conscience tells me to be very disturbed by the
    allegations, the testimony, and the evidence, and to be ready to speak
    out against any REAL and EVIDENTLY DEMONSTRATED wrong doing in Jehovah's
    name. **

    My understanding
    tells me that he would want me to do things with true knowledge of the
    facts, and not public opinion and accusation. Remember that a large
    crowd of
    people condemned Jesus before Pilot, yet he was innocent of the charges
    were brought against him, should I condemn him because of this crowd? I
    don't think so. Should I condemn the Society because of the accusations
    another crowd, I don't think so either. By their own acts will they be
    condemned or exonerated.

    -The problem with your example is that the crowd when questioned
    couldn't really substantiate or bring forth and real credible charges.
    That is why Pilot didn't really want to do anything to Jesus and only
    did so because of the crowd pressure. This is a completely different
    case where witness testimony is very specific and there is even a
    substantial amount of police evidence as well as a database which to my
    knowledge is being subpoenaed. **

    What these men do or don't do does not affect my relationship with
    my God and his Son, nor should it with you!

    -when did I ever say that it would? I am taking my stand for what is
    right on God's side not man's. **

    As to a policy change, that is the "Governing Body's" problem and

    -No, I disagree, it is the problem of everyone who cares about the
    safety of young children, and the sanctity of god's name.**

    And once again, should they be found to be wicked, should I abandon my
    brothers and sisters who I have confidence are righteous men and women,
    honest hearted ones?

    -who ever asked you to do this? Are you just thinking out loud or
    responding to something Charlie wrote? **

  • SixofNine

    Well, at least he raised a man.

    Please forward my thought to your father, lol.

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