Angels and the Preaching Work

by Focus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    The following idiocy may be found at

    Angels and the Preaching Work
    Angels are busy today as before (Acts 8: 26; Rev. 14: 6; Matt. 13. 39). We don't always know what is going on behind the scenes, but the angels know. Think back to a day when you went out in field service and were discouraged. Maybe the person at the first house was not interested, and the second house was a not-at-home, etc. But after you went home feeling discouraged, suppose you could look in on what was happening behind the scenes....
    Angel noted the apathetic responce of the lady at the 1st house and commented on her heart condition. The second house you marked not-at-home, but the angel noted that the householder saw you and recognized that you were one of Jehovah's Witnesses, so she didn't come to the door. Then the next house was not-at-home because both the husband and the wife were at work. You left a tract in the door. Later, the angel noted on his house-to-house chart that the man came home from work and picked up the tract. He made a comment to his wife about Jehovah's Witnesses having been at their door while they were at work. The angel notes the responce to the tract and to your call.
    So, even after you are home, the effects of your work are still going on. You may be busy with household or family activities, but the angels are still hard at work noting the responces in your territory from your work.
    Now, the angel makes a further note on the 2nd house. While you were at the third house, the householder at the second house called her friend, the householder at the 4th house, and told her not to answer her door. The angel appropriately noted the present heart condition of both householders.
    Meanwhile, across the street, a lady working in her flower garden notices you passing by. She comments on how well-behaved your children are. And you didn't notice, but down the street a garbage truck driver began talking to his companion about Jehovah's Witnesses. It seems that the co-worker has Witnesses living next door and he tells the driver of what fine neighbors they are. The angel notes this.
    So, now, as you have a glimpse into what might be happening as the angels carry out their part in connection with the preaching work, does it not bring joy to you to know that you're working with such zealous angelic co-workers? And while it can get discouraging, remember that, while the greatest joy is in harvesting fine fruit, the groundwork requires many long hours of hard plowing.

    So, in much the same way that the fact that the WTS has made all sorts of false prophesies proves it is NOT a false prophet and is in fact the one true faith, the fact that no one wants to listen to JW "wisdumb" indicates that the preaching work is successful and subject to a great deal of zealous interest. Oh it is invisible interest, of course... Fine WTS logic! What a shame that the angels can't be counted as back calls, though.

    PS: I take it the reference to the garbage truck is the paddywagon in which the JWs arrived.

    (Logic Class)

  • expatbrit


    Thanks for the entertaining post!

    I remember well how we would discuss this kind of thing during difficult mornings of field service.

    "Ah, yes, we may not have talked to anyone, but everyone knew who we were! The witness was still given!"

    "We may not feel we've accomplished anything, but we've made Jehovah's heart glad!"

    What hoops we would jump through to disguise the complete waste of time and effort we were engaged in.


  • unanswered

    thanks for the laughs, focus. if i had written the article, i might of added "you turn in your field service record for the month, proud because you spent 20 hours preaching and placed 30 magazines. the angel watching you wonders why you have placed so much importance on such trivial matters. he comments that you have missed the point of the bible completely."

  • ozziepost

    You would think there'd be a more efficient way of angels supervising the witnessing work, wouldn't you?

    If they, as spirits, are bound by this material world, why are we all duplicating the same actions/amount of time spent, etc?

    In this earthly realm we would call this work duplication and make one of the workers redundant!




    very superstitous.


  • eyes_opened

    Then there's always the urban legend about the elderly sister who is out in service who approaches a door and is suddenly set upon by two snarreling dogs. As the sister says Jehovahs name out loud the dogs suddenly sit down and becone quiet, sit and let the old woman pass unharmed. LOL


  • Pathofthorns
    "Angel noted the apathetic responce of the lady at the 1st house and commented on her heart condition."

    "the angel noted that the householder saw you and recognized that you were one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    "the angel noted on his house-to-house chart that the man came home from work and picked up the tract. "

    "The angel notes the responce to the tract and to your call. "

    "the angels are still hard at work noting the responces in your territory from your work"

    "the angel makes a further note on the 2nd house"

    "The angel appropriately noted the present heart condition of both householders."

    "The angel notes this."

    All of these comments are complete speculation. There's no evidence of what the angels are doing or if they have any involvement at all in the preaching work. These comments are designed to make the usual unproductive day spent in service seem somehow vital in the big picture when in reality the preaching work is just to keep the members too busy to think and ask questions.

    So, now, as you have a glimpse into what might be happening as the angels carry out their part in connection with the preaching work, does it not bring joy to you to know that you're working with such zealous angelic co-workers? And while it can get discouraging, remember that, while the greatest joy is in harvesting fine fruit, the groundwork requires many long hours of hard plowing.

    Talk about encouraging tired and discouraged publishers and pioneers with lines about nothing. The whole thing is, that this speculation is based on the "old light" that the judging of the sheep and the goats takes place before the great tribulation.

    This change led to alot of witnesses asking themselves, "what the hell are we doing then?" since it was long held that we are engaged in a "separating work" along with the angels.

    The Society promply wrote a Q from R article downplaying the change as if we are engaged in some sort of "pre-separating work".

    Articles such as this are really sad because when you take away the speculation, there is nothing left. I'm embarrassed and ashamed that I ever believed something so ridiculous.


  • Uncanny

    "I'm embarrassed and ashamed that I ever believed something so ridiculous." My sentiments exactly p o' thorns.

    My favourite "the angels are with us" quip at meetings for field service always happened when we had an uneven number out and the odd brother/sister left over would self-rightouesly volunteer to work not alone, but "with the angels."

    Hey, if I pray real hard before I got to bed tonight, do you think the angels will let me know which horse is going to win the Golden Slipper Stakes in a couple of weeks time?


  • larc

    The Witness Work,

    Do the JWs still believe that if the big "A" hit tommorrow that people that never heard the "good news" in places like China, for example would get a chance in the new world? If so, what is the point of the door-to-door work? If this is their belief, then ignorance truely is bliss and the preaching work is totaly unnecessary.

    If I sent this to "questions from the readers", do you think they would publish it?

    They could even adopt a cease and desist order, and tell the brothers to work over time or get a second job and tyth instead of going door to door. This new truth would keep the money pouring in.

    Larc of the running ahead of the organization class.

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