Anyone's take on Donnie Darko?

by Cicatrix 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Cicatrix

    I saw the movie awhile back.I watched it twice and was left feeling????? Yet, somehow I'm still wondering why do I have an emotional connection-what is this reminding me of(no, I have not travelled back in time lol).

    When I was a kid, I used to have nightmares about a huge rabbit(I think I watched too many episodes of Dark Shadows and too many Harvey re-runs).Maybe that's the connection.I don't know.The movie doesn't scare me, on one level I think it's kind of lame. Still,it made sit up and take notice, but I'm still not sure what I'm reacting to.

    Anyone else have a take on how it made you feel?

  • Elsewhere

    Don't worry Cicatrix... you got away with it.

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